Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/509

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Writers on American History 493 Proud, Robert. History of Pennsylvania from 1681 to 1742. 2 vols. Phila- delphia, 1797-98. Thomson, Charles W. Notices of the Life and Character of Robert Proud. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, vol. i. Philadelphia, 1826 and 1864. Trumbull, Benjamin. Discourse, Anniversary Meeting of the Freemen of New Haven, April 12. New Haven, 1773. Plea in Vindication to the Connecticut Title to Contested Lands West of New York. New Haven, 1774. God Be Praised! A Sermon . . . [of] Thanksgiving for Peace. New Haven, 1784. Appeal to the Public with Respect to the Unlawfulness of Divorce. New Haven, 1788. History of Connecticut. 2 vols. Vol. i. New Haven, 1797; vol. 2, New Haven, 1818; New London, 1818. TheMajesty and Mortality of Created Gods. . . a Discourse on the Death of Washington. New Haven, 1800. Century Sermon, North Haven, January i, 1801. New Haven, 1801. General History of the United States. Vol. i. Boston, 1810. [Only one of three announced vols, was published.] Appeal to the Public relative to the Unlawfulness of Marrying a Wife's Sister. N. p., 1810. Williamson, Hugh. History of North Carolina. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1812. Letters of Sylvius, American Museum, 1787; also in pamphlet form, 1787; New ed. in Papers of Trinity College, N. C, Hist. Soc. Ser. 10, pp. 5-46, 1915. Hosack, David. A Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson. 1820, 1821. Also in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Col. ist Ser., vol. v, p. 3. III. Writers of National History Bancroft, George. Poems. Cambridge, Mass., 1823. An Oration delivered on the Fourth of July, 1826, at Northampton, Mass. Northampton, 1826. Review of the Report of the Committee of Ways and Means . . . relative to the United States Bank. American Quarterly Review, March, 1 831. Also separate, Philadelphia, 1 831. The Bank of the United States. North American Review, April, 1831. [Anon.] History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Present Time. Vol. i, Boston, 1834; 8th ed., Boston, 1841 ; 25th ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 2, Boston, 1837; loth ed., Boston, 1842; 25th ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 3, Boston, 1840; 2d ed., 1840; 23d ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 4, Boston, 1852 ; 23d ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 5, Boston, 1852 ; 20th ed., Boston, 1875. Vol. 6, Boston, 1854; i8th ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 7, Boston, 1858; I2th ed., Boston, 1875. Vol. 8, Boston, i860; 9th ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 9, Boston, 1866; 4th ed., Boston, 1874. Vol. 10, Boston, 1874. All the volumes after the 1st ed. of vol. i have for title: A History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent. Various sub-titles: New and Thoroughly Revised ed., 6 vols. Boston, 1876, 1879; New York, 6 vols., 1882; The Author's Last Revision, 6 vols., 1883-85, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1890-91. Vol. I, Edinburgh, 1848; 2 vol. ed., London, 1851; 7 vol. ed., London, 1861-62; Danish, 3 vols., Copenhagen, 1853-54; French, by Mile.