Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/510

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494 Bibliographies de Gamond, 12 vols. Paris, 1861-76, and Brussels, 9 vols., 1862-64; German, by Kretzschmar and Bartels, 10 vols., Leipsic, 1845-75; Italian, by Carenzi, 2 vols., Lausanne, 1847; and by De-TivoU, 6 vols., Milan, 1856-59. Oration delivered before the Democracy of Springfield, . . . July 4, 1836. Springfield [Mass.], 1836. Address at Hartford before the Democratic Convention of the Young Men of Connecticut. . . . Feb. 18, 1840. Boston, 1840. History of the Colonization of the United States . . . Abridged by the Author. 2 vols., Boston, 1841; London, n. d. (i vol. ed.); New York, 1885. Southern State Rights, Free Trade and Anti- Abolition. Tract no. I. Charleston, 1844. Oration ... at the Commemoration, in Washington, of the Death of Andrew Jackson, June 25, 1845. [Washington, 1845]. Also in Monument to the Memory of General Andrew Jackson. [Dusenbery, compiler]. . . . Philadelphia, 1846. History of the American Revolution. 3 vols. London, 1852-54. (Vols. 4-6 of the History rptd.) German, by Drugulin, 3 vols., Leipsic, 1852-54. Progress of the Htunan Race: Oration before the New York Historical So- ciety, Nov. 20, 1854. 1854. Literary and Historical Miscellanies. 1855. Tribute to the Memory of Humboldt. . . . 1859. Also in Pulpit and Rostrum, no. 6, 1859. Inauguration of the Perry Statue at Cleveland . . i860; including a History of the Battle of Lake Erie. Cleveland, 1861. [The latter part has sub-title OEver Hazard Perry, and the Battle of Lake Erie.] See, also, Dyer, O., History of the Battle of Lake Erie, etc., 1891. Oration ... on the twenty-second of February, 1862. 1862. Also in Pulpit and Rostrum, no. 29, 1862. Oration pronounced in Union Square, April 25, 1865, at the funeral Obse- quies of Abraham Lincoln in . . . New York. Pulpit and Rostrum, nos. 34 and 35, 1865. Memorial Address on . . Lincoln, delivered . in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 12th of February, 1866. Washington, 1866; French, by Jottrand, Brussels, 1866. Joseph Reed: a historical Essay. 1867. Memorial on the Canal de Haro . . . presented in the name of the Amer- ican Government to His Majesty Wilhelm I. [Berlin, 1872?]. German [Ber- lin, 1872?]. Histoire de Taction commune de la France et de I'Am^rique pour I'ind^- pendance des Etats-Unis. Traduite et annot^e par le comte Adolphe de Circourt. 3 vols. Paris, 1876. [Corresponds with vols. 10-12 of Mile, de Gamond's translation.] History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of Amer- ica. 2 vols., 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. I vol. ed., 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. A Plea for the Constitution . . . wounded in the House of its Guardians. 1886. Martin Van Buren to the End of his Public Career. 1889. For the many controversies regarding Bancroft see Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, viii, p. 477, n. 5. For additional writings by Bancroft see the bibliography in Howe, George Bancroft, 11, 331-341. The best biographical material is in the following: