Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/511

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Writers on American History 495 Howe, M. A. De Wolfe. Life and Letters of George Bancroft. 2 vols. 1908. Sloane, William M. George Bancroft— in Society, in Politics, in Letters. Century Magazine, xi, 473. Bancroft, Elizabeth [Mrs. George Bancroft]. Letters from England in i S^S-'g. 1904. Also in Scribner's Mag., xxv, 163, 424. Bassett, John S. The Middle Group of American Historians. 1917. Chap. 3. (Ed.) Correspondence of Bancroft and Sparks. Smith Col. Studies in Hist., II, No. 2, 1917. George Bancroft's Library. The Critic, xix, 339. The Bancroft Library. Library Journal, xvill, 149. Hildreth, Richard. Report of the Trial of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery . . . on an Indictment for the Murder of Sarah Maria Cornell. 2d ed. Boston, 1833. The Slave, or a Memoir of Archy Moore. 2 vols. Boston, 1836; Boston, 1839, 1840. Enlarged ed. as The White Slave; or Memoirs of a Fugitive. Boston, 1852. Other editions, the title varying slightly. French, Paris, 1853, 1858. The People's Presidential Candidate, or Life of William H. Harrison. Boston, 1839. The Contrast, or William Henry Harrison vs. Martin Van Buren. Boston, 1840. Banks, Banking, and Paper Currency. Boston, 1840. Despotism in America, an Inquiry into the . . . Slaveholding System of the United States. Boston, 1840; enlarged ed., Boston, 1854. Theory of Morals. Boston, 1 844. History of the United States of America, ist series, 3 vols., 1849. 2d series, 3 vols., 1852-53. Dutch, 6 vols.. The Hague, 1854-57. The Case of William L. Chaplin. Boston, 1851. Theory of Politics: an Inquiry into the Foundations of Governments. 1853. Japan and the Japanese. Boston, 1855; rev. ed., Boston, 1855, 1861. Rev. and enlarged by Clement, E. W., as Japan as it Was and Is: a Handbook of Old Japan. 2 vols. Chicago, 1906. [Ed.] Atrocious Judges, Lives of Infamous Tools of Tyrants. Boston, 1856; New York, 1856. [From Campbell, Lives of the Justices, with an appendix.] [Translator]. Jeremy Bentham's Theory of Legislation. 2 vols. Boston, 1840; London, 1864. [Translation of the French ed. of Etienne Dumont.] For a complete list of Hildreth's controversial pamphlets see Sabin, Dictionary. Holmes, Abiel. Sermon on the Freedom and Happiness of America, at Cam- bridge, Feb. 19, 1795. Boston, 1795. A Family Tablet: Containing a Selection of Original Poetry. Boston, 1796. Life of Ezra Stiles. Boston, 1798. A Sermon in Boston and at Cambridge, April 25, 1799, the day for a national fast. Boston, 1799. A Sermon on the Death of Washington. Boston, 1800. History of Cambridge, a Sermon preached Jan. 4, 1801. Boston, 1801. Also in Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, ser. i, vol. 7. Memoir of the Monhegan Indians. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, ser. i, vol. 9, 1804. Memoir of Stephen Parmenius of Buda, with his Latin Poem translated. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, ser. i, vol. 9. 1804. American Annals; or a Chronological History of America from 1492 to 1 806. 2 vols. Cambridge [Mass.], 1805; London, 1808; Cambridge and London, 1813.