Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/517

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Prescott: Motley 5oi Curtis, G. T. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico. Chr. Exam., vol. 36, p. 197, 1844. Ellis, G. E. Prescott's Philip II. Chr. Exam., vol. 60, p. 274, 1856. E3rma, X. Historians de I'^cole am^ricaine. William Prescott. Rev. contemp., i860, p. 413. Greenwood, F. W. P. Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. Chr. Exam., vol. 24, p. 99, 1838. Haussonville, O. d'. William Prescott, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Rev. d. deux mondes, 1868, vol. 76, p. 202. Ogden, RoUo. William Hickling Prescott. (Am. Men of Letters.) Boston, 1905- Peck, H. T. William Hickling Prescott. (English Men of Letters.) New York and London, 1905. Powell, T. William H. Prescott. In Living Authors of America, 1850, p. 169. Prescott as an Historian. N. Am. Review, vol. 83, p. 96, 1856. Smith, C. C. Ticknor's Life of Prescott. Chr. Exam., vol. 76, p. 98, 1864. Ticknor, George. Life of William Hickling Prescott. Boston, 1864. Upham, G. W. Prescott's Conquest of Peru. Chr. Exam., vol. 43, 1847, p. 253- Whipple, E. P. Prescott's Conquest of Peru. In Essays and Reviews, vol. 2, p. 187; Prescott's Histories. In Essays and Reviews, vol. 2, p. 152. Wilson, Robert A. A New History of the Conquest of Mexico. [Criticism of Prescott.] Philadelphia, 1859. Wolcott, R. William Hickling Prescott, LL.D., D.C.L. New England Hist. Geneal. Soc. Mem. Biog., vol. 3, p. 322. Wynne, J. William H. Prescott. Harper's Mag., vol. 28, p. 51, 1864. See, also, introductions to various editions. John Lothrop Motley I. Collected Works Writings. (Netherlands ed.) New York and London, 1900. 17 vols. II. Separate Works Morton's Hope or the Memoirs of a Provincial. 1839. (2 eds.) Merry-Mount, a Romance. 1849. Causes of the Civil War in America. [Reprinted from the London Times.] London, 1861. Four Questions for the People, at the Presidential Election. Address ... be- fore the Parker Fraternity. October 20, 1868. Boston, 1868. The Rise of the Dutch Republic, A History. 3 vols. London, 1855, 1858, 1859, 1882, 1886, 1889 (2 eds.). Edinburgh, 1859. New York, 1856, 1862, 1864, 1898. New York and London, 1883, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903. Abridged eds., London, 1878, Utrecht, i860. The Hague, 1868. New York, 1898 (with continua- tion by Griffis, W. E., 1584-1897), 1900, 1902. Translations: Dutch, Bakhuizen van der Brink, R. C, The Hague, 1857-62, 3 vols. French. Introduction by Guizot, F. P. G. Paris, 1 859-60, 4 vols. Historical Progress and American Democracy, an Address Delivered before the New York Historical Society, December 16, 1868. 1869. Democracy, the Climax of Political Progress and the Destiny of Advanced Races; an Historical Essay. London, 1869. History of the United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent, to the