Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/518

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502 Bibliographies Synod of Dort. With a full View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain and the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. 4 vols. London, 1860-67, 1869. New York, 1861-68, 1888, 1895. London and New York, 1900, 1909. French, Paris, 1859-60. The Life and Death of John of Bameveld, Advocate of Holland ; with a View of the primary Causes of the Thirty-years War. 2 vols. London, 1874. New York, 1874. London, 1875. 3 vols.. New York and London, 1900, 1902, 1904. Peter the Great. 1877, 1893. London, 1887. III. Biography and Criticism Benjamin, P., Jr. Waifs from Motley's Pen. Harper's Mag., vol. 55, p. 610, 1877. Bigelow, J. Mr. Seward and Mr. Motley. Intemat. Rev., vol. 5, p. 544, 1878. Bruce, H. Addington. John Lothrop Motley. Outlook, vol. 95, p. 891, 1910. Bryant, William CuUen. In Memory of John Lothrop Motley. [Poem.] In Holmes's Life, p. 526. Chamberlain, D. H. John Lothrop Motley. New Englander, vol. 53, p. 297, 1890. Conway, Moncure D. Introduction to Motley's Dutch RepubUc. London and New York, 1896. Curtis, G. W. Motley's Letters. Harper's Mag., vol. 78, p. 611, 1889. Esrma, X. Historiens de I'^cole am^ricaine. John Lothrop Motley. Rev. con- temp., i860, vol. I., p. 246. Falconer, A. Motley's John of Barneveld. Eraser's Mag., n. s., vol. 10, p. 223, 1874. Fiske, J. Spain and the Netherlands. In The Unseen World, 1876, p. 211. Fruin, Robert. Verspreide Geschriften, The Hague, 1905. i, 264, 279, 328, 364,429. 11,6,26,212. 111,74,118,224. VII, 414, 456. VIII, 331, 406. IX, 48. 93. 96, 102, 357, 453. Groen van Prinsterer, Guillatime. Etude historique. Maurice et Bameveld. [Criticism of Motley's John of Bameveld.] Utrecht, 1875. Grand, J. P. Bismarck and Motley. N. Am. Rev., vol. 167, pp. 361, 481, 569, 1889. Guizot, F. P. G. The Rise of the Dutch RepubUc and Philip II. Edinburgh Rev. Jan., 1857. Holmes, O. W. John Lothrop Motley, A Memoir. Boston, 1879, 1898. Heyward, J. C. Mr. Motley's Latest History. In How They Strike Me, These Authors. Irving, Leonard. Motley at Work. Nat. Mag., vol. 16, p. 59, 1892. Jameson, J. Franklin. Introduction to The Rise of the Dutch RepubUc. 1901. Jay, J. Motley's Appeal to History. Intemat. Rev., vol. 4, p. 838, 1877. Lamson, A. Motley's Merry-Mount. Chr. Examiner, vol. 46, p. 95, 1849. Laugel, A. Un historien am^ricain. Rev. d. deux mondes, vol. 31, p. 91 1, 1879. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Some Early Memories. Scribner's Mag., vol. 52, p. 524, 1913- Morse, John T. John Lothrop Motley. Centenary of the Historian. Nation, vol. 98, p. 426, 1 9 14. The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley, D. C. L. 2 vols., 1889. Ed. Curtis, G. W.