Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/520

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504 Bibliographies Mellen, G. P. Joseph G. Baldwin. Sewanee Review. Apr., 1901. Wetmore, T. B. Joseph G. Baldwin. Alabama Hist. Soc. Trans., vol. 2, pp. 67-73. Joel Barlow (1754-1812) [See Bibliography for Book I, Chap, ix.] Charles Faurar Browne (1834-1867) Artemus Ward, His Book. 1862. Artemus Ward, His Travels, [i. Miscellaneous. 2. Among the Mormons.] 1865. Betsey Jane Ward. Hiir Book of Goaks. 1866. Artemus Ward in London, and Other Papers. New York and London, 1867. Artemus Ward's Panorama. New York and London, 1869. Artemus Ward's Lecture [in Egyptian Hall.] London, 1869. Sandwiches. 1870. Artemus Ward: His Works Complete. With a Biographical Sketch by Melville D. Landon. 1875. Artemus's Wax Pigger Show. Boston, 1 881. Artemus Ward Complete. London, 1890, 19 10. Hingston, E. P. The Genial Showman; being Reminiscences of the Life of Artemus Ward. London, 1870. Haweis, H. R. American Humorists. London, 1882. William Byrd (1674-1744) The Writings of "Colonel William Byrd of Westover in Virginia Esq." Ed. Bas- sett, John S. 1901. Letters of William Byrd. Va. Mag. of Hist, and Biog. Richmond, 1916. See, also, Bibliography for Book I, Chap. i. Lewis Gaylord Clark (1810-1873) The Knickerbocker Sketch-Book. 1850. Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table. 1852. Thorpe, T. B. Lewis Gaylord Clark. Harper's Mag., vol. 48, p. 587. Willis Gaylord Clark (1810-1841) The Spirit of Life. A Poem. Philadelphia, 1833. The Past and Present. A Poem. [Philadelphia], 1834. Poems. 1839, 1847. An Address on the Characters of Lafayette and Washington. Philadelphia, 1840. Literary Remains [including the Ollapodiana Papers] of the late W. G. Clark. Ed. Clark, L. G. 1844. Willis Gaylord Clark on American Literature in 1830. [A letter to William Jerdon.] Bulletin New York Public Library, vol. 10, pp. 181-3. 1906. William Cox (?-i85i) ' Crayon Sketches. By an Amateur. 2 vols. 1833. Frederick Swartout Cozzens (1818-1869) Prismatics. By Richard Haywarde. 1853. The Sparrowgrass Papers, or. Living in the Country. 1856.