Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/521

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Early Humorists 505 To Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. 1857. Acadia, or A Month with the Blue Noses. 1859. The Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and Other Learned Men. 1867. Eulogy on Colonel Porter. 1865. Poems. 1867. Fitz-Greene Halleck; a Memorial. 1868. Private Theatricals, and Wives and Weathercocks. 1880. Sayings, Wise and Otherwise. 1880. David Crockett (1786-1836) Narrative of the Life of David Crockett. Philadelphia, 1834. A Tour to the North and Down East. 1834. Life of Van Buren. Philadelphia, 1835. Colonel Crockett's Ejcploits in Texas. Philadelphia, 1836. Abbott, J. S. C. David Crockett. 1874. Ellis, Edward S. Life of Colonel David Crockett. Philadelphia, 1884. Charles Augustus Davis (i 795-1 867) Letters of Jack Downing ... to his old friend Mr. D wight. 1834. Another ed., 1864. Jack Downing's Song-Book. Providence, 1836. Jack Downing's Letters. Philadelphia, 1845. May-Day in New York. 1845. Labor, or Productive Industry. 1849. George Horatio Derby (1823-1861) Phoenixiana, or Sketches and Burlesques. By John Phoenix. 1855. Chicago, 2 vols., 1897. New York, 1903. The Squibob Papers. By John Phoenix. 1859. Philip Freneau (1752-1832) [See BibUography for Book I, Chap, ix.] Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860) The Travels, Voyages, and Adventures of Gilbert Go-Ahead. 1856. For a Ust of the numerous other writings of this author, see Duyckinck's Cyclopaedia of American Literature. Joseph Green (1706-80) [See BibUography for Book I, Chap, ix.] Asa Greene (1788-1837) The Life and Adventures of Dr. Didimus Duckworth, A. N. Q. To which is added the History of a Steam Doctor. 2 vols. 1833. A Yankee among the Nullifiers; an Autobiography. 1833. Travels in America. By George Fibbleton, Esq., Ex-barber to His Majesty, the King of Great Britain. 1833. The Perils of Pearl Street. 1834. A Glance at New York. 1837. The Debtor's Prison. 1837.