Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/532

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51^ Bibliographies Woodberry, George E. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, Personal and Literary, with his chief Correspondence with Men of Letters. Boston and New York, 1909. II. Literary Annuals and Gift-Books [Note. The one invaluable reference for the student of the annuals and gift-books is F. W. Faxon's bibliography with its descriptive introduction, but as only 150 copies of this were printed it is not always readily available. In default of this the same author's earlier lists in the Bulletin of Bibliography, and some of the check lists of pubUc libraries will be useful. There were many reviews and notices of annuals, singly and in groups, in the periodicals from 1830 to i860. Only a few, and these not necessarily the most valuable, are listed here. Numer- ous brief references to particular annuals may be found in the biographies of edi- tors, contributors, and publishers, and in their published letters and journals.] Athenaeum [London]. American Annuals. Littell's Living Age, volume iii, page 361 (1844). [The Gift.] Atlantic Monthly, volume lxxi, page 138. (1893). Old Annuals. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, volume vi, page 271. (1902). Cata- logue of hterary annuals and gift books in the New York Public Library. Bulletin of the PubUc Library of the City of Boston, volume xii, page 157 (1893). Annuals, including year books, annuaires, Jahrbucher, registers, and other annual publications. [Everett, Alexander H.] The Annuals. North American Review, volume xxxviii, page 198 (1834). [Token and Atlantic Souvenir, Religious Souvenir.] Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. Literary Annuals and Gift-Books, American and English; a Bibliography. Bulletin of Bibliography (Boston), volume v, pages 70, 87, 105, 127, 145, 171, 203; volume vi, pages 7, 43, 77, no, 147, 180, 208, 243. Literary Annuals and Gift-Books. A Bibliography with a descriptive intro- duction. Boston, 1912. The following annuals and gift-books are not listed in Mr. Faxon's biblio- graphy: Affection's Gift, by Bernard Barton. Buffalo, Breed, Butler & Co., 1862. 128 pp., 4>^ X 2J<. The American Keepsake. A Christmas and New Year's Offering. New York, J. C. Riker, 1835. 252 pp., 8 pi., 6 x 4. The Boudoir Annual, A Christmas, New Year, and Birthday Present for 1847. Philadelphia, Theodore Bliss & Co., 1847. 99 pp., 10 pi., 1 1 x 8}4. The Christian's Daily Delight. A Sacred Garland culled from English and American Poets. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1854. 248 pp., 8 pi., 8X X sH. The Cypress Wreath. A Book of Consolation for Those who mourn. Edited by Reverend Rufus W. Griswold. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1845. 128 pp., 4X X 2j<. Family Pictures from the Bible, by Mrs. EUett. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1849. 224 pp., 21 pi., 8}4 X 6. [Binder's title. Illustrated Scripture Gift-Book.] The Floral Offering. A Token of Affection and Esteem ... by Henrietta Du- mont. [Binder's title and half-title, The Language of Flowers.] Phila-