Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/533

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Magazines and Annuals 5^7 delphia, H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss, 1856. [c. 1851.] [Doubtless identical with 194 Faxon, except date.] Flower Tokens. New York, J. C. Riker. n. d. [6 pi.], 7}^ x 6. [This has the binding, plates, and general appearance of an annual, but instead of text has blank pages for copying poems, or perhaps for preserving pressed flowers.] The Fountain. A Temperance gift. Edited by J. G. Adams and E. H. Chapin. Boston, George W. Briggs, 1847. [c. 1846.] 274 pp. [i pi.], 6 x ^H- The Gem for 1850. New York, E. Kearney. 252 pp., 8 pi., 6 x 6^. [Probably the same as 265 Faxon except date.] The Ivy Wreath, by Mrs. Hughes. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston. N. d. [c. 1849.] 176 pp., 5 pi. by Sartain and illuminated title. 7x5^. [A juve- nile.] The Juvenile Forget-Me-Not. A Christmas and New Year's Present. Edited by Mrs. Coknan. Boston, S. Colman. n. d. 192 pp. [11 pi.], 5J<x4>^.S| The Lady's Annual. A Souvenir of Friendship and Remembrance for 1849. . . . Edited by Emily Marshall. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1849. [Doubt- less 432 Faxon, but name of editor is incorrectly given.] Ladies' Casket of Gathered Thoughts, by Miss Colman. Auburn, Alden, Beards- ley & Co., 1855. [c. 1846.] i2opp., 4Xx2fi. Dedicated to Miss Hannah F. Gould. Ladies Vase, or Polite Manual for Young Ladies; Original and selected. By an American Lady. Lowell, N. L. Dayton; Boston, Lewis & Sampson, 1843. 191 pp., 4%x 2,]4,. [For 3d edition see 454b Faxon.] The Ladies Wreath and Parlor Annual. New York, Burdick & Scovill. n. d. 2i8-l-2i8pp., 24pl., 12 on steel, 12 coloured, 8 J< x 5>^. [Evidently reprinted from two volumes of a magazine, but without dates or divisions into numbers. See Faxon, p. 43.] The Ladies Wreath. An Illustrated Annual for 1848-9. Vol. 11. Edited by Mrs. S. T. Martyn. New York, Martyn & Ely, 1848-9. 428 pp., 23 pi., 8J< x sX- [A magazine reissued as an annual. For volume I, see Faxon, page 43.] The Lily. A Holiday Present . . . New York, E. Sands, [c. 1830.] [Date 1840 on binding.] [Same as 496 and 496a, Faxon, except for binder's date.] The Lily of the Valley for 1855. Edited by Elizabeth Doten. Boston, Benja- min H. Greene, 1855. [Same as 506 Faxon, except for pubHsher.] A Parting Gift to a Christian Friend. From the twelfth London edition. New York, Van Nostrand & Dwight, 1836. 192 pp., ^}4 X2j<. [See 631a, Faxon.] The Passion Flower. A Gift of the Heart. New York, Leavett & Allen. N. d. 268 pp., 8 pi., jyi X 5. The Pet Keepsake. A Token of Love. Philadelphia, John E. Potter, i860. 232 PP- [3 Pl-], 6J< X 4J<. The Rose of Sharon. A Religious Souvenir for all Seasons. Edited by Mrs. C. M. Sawyer. Boston, Abel Tomkins, 1858. [A reissue of the 1857 volume (727 Faxon) with change of date.] The Sacred Offering. A Poetical Gift. Boston, Joseph Dowe, 1838. [Probably the same as 739b Faxon, except for date.] The Token of Friendship. An Offering for all Seasons. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co. n. d. [Preface dated Boston, August, 1853.] 288 pp., 6 pl., jyix^^. [For preceding and succeeding volumes see 816, 817, Faxon.] Wood-Side and Sea-Side, illustrated by Pen and Pencil. New York, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1869. 96 pp., 45 illustrations in text, 8J< x 6yi. [A gift-book, not an anntml.]