Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/536

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520 Bibliographies Appl^ate, T. S. A History of the Press of Michigan. Adrian, 1876. Baensch, E. The German-American Press. In Proceedings of the State His- torical Society of Wisconsin, 1898. Madison, 1899. Beckman, £. Pressen i F6renta Statema. In Amerikanska Studier. Stock- holm, 1883. Belisle, A. Histoire de la Presse Pranco-Amdricaine. Worcester, 191 1. Boss, H. R. Early Newspapers in Illinois. Chicago, 1870. Brinley, W. T. Life of William T. Porter. 1 860. Buffalo. The Periodical Press of Buffalo. In Buffalo Historical Society Publica- tions, vol. 19, pp. 153-175. Buffalo, 1915. California Newspapers in State Library. Sacramento, 191 1. Chandler, K. List of California Periodicals issued previous to the Completion of the Transcontinental Telegraph (August 15, 1846-October 24, 1861). San Francisco, 1905. Connelley, W. E. History of Kansas Newspapers. Topeka, 1916. Conrad, H. C. Newspapers and Books. In History of the State of Delaware, vol. Ill, pp. 1085-1116. Wilmington, 1908. Daniel, F. S. The Richmond Examiner during the War; or, The Writings of John M. Daniel, with a Memoir of his Life. 1868. Deiler, J. H. Geschichte der New Orleanser deutschen Presse. New Orleans, 1901. Dixon, J. M. The Valley and the Shadow . . . with a Chapter on Iowa Journalism. 1868. Duniway, C. A. Development of Freedom of the Press in Massachusetts. 1906. Goddard, D. A. Newspapers and Newspaper Writers in New England, 1787- 1815. Boston, 1880. Griffin, G. W. Prenticeana [2d ed. with a Life of G. D. Prentice]. Philadelphia, 1870. Griffin, J. History of the Press of Maine. Brunswick, 1872. Hallock, W. H. Life of Gerard Hallock, thirty-three years Editor of the New York Journal of Commerce. 1869. Hughes, R. W. Editors of the Past. [In Virginia.] Richmond, 1897. Indiana. A list of Indiana Newspapers available in the Indiana State Library, the Indianapolis Public Library, the Library of Indiana University, and the Library of Congress. In Bulletin of Indiana State Library, vol. 11, no. 4. Indianapolis, 1916. James, E. J. A Bibliography of Newspapers Published in Illinois prior to i860. Springfield, 1899. King, W. L. The Newspaper Press of Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1872. Lewis, V. A. Newspapers and Periodicals of West Virginia. In West Virginia. Charleston, West Virginia, 1904. Lundstedt, B. W. Svenska Tidningar och Tidskrifter utgifna inom Nord-Amer- ikas FSrenta Stater. Stockholm, 1886. McLaughlin, J. F. Matthew Lyon, the Hampden of Congress. 1900. Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memories . . , 1803-43. Cincinnati, 1879. Martin, C. M. and B. E. The New York Press and its Makers in the Eighteenth Century. 1898. Maverick, A. Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for Thirty Years. Progress of American Journalism from 1840 to 1870. Hartford, 1870. Miller, D. Early German American Newspapers. Lancaster, Pa., 1911. Missouri and Illinois Newspapers 1808-1897. In Library of Mercantile Library Association of St. Louis. St. Louis, 1898,