Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/537

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Newspapers 521 Noah, M. M. Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. 1847. Oppendale, H. O. Scandinavian Newspaper Directory, giving a complete List, together with a Synopsis of the History of the Scandinavian Newspapers in America. Chicago, 1894. Penn, I. G. The Afro-American Press and its Editors. Springfield, Massachu- setts, 1 89 1. Perrin, W. H. The Pioneer Press of Kentucky [to 1830]. Louisville, 1888. Poore, B. P. Perley's Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis. PhUadelphia [1886]. Powell, L. P. The Press of Delaware. In History of Education in Delaware. Wilmington, 1893. Reader, F. S. History of the Newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania. New Brighton, 1905. Salisbury, G. H. Early History of the Press of Erie County [New York]. In Buffalo Historical Society Publications, vol. 2, pp. 199-217. Buffalo, 1880. Die Schweizer Presse in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. In Die Schweizer Presse. Bern, 1896. Scott, F. W. Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814-1879. Springfield, Illinois, 19 10. Seaton, J. William Winston Seaton of the National Intelligencer. A Biograph- ical Sketch. Boston, 1871. Smith, W. H. Charles Hammond and his Relations to Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams; or Constitutional Limitations and the Contest for Freedom of Speech and the Press. [Chicago.] 1885. Springer, J. Memoranda relating to the Early Press of Iowa. Iowa City, 1880. Stanton, H. B. Random Recollections. 1887. Stickney, W. Autobiography of Amos Kendall. Boston, 1872. Streeter, G. L. An Account of the Newspapers and other Periodicals published in Salem from 1768-1856. Salem, Massachusetts, 1856. Taylor, E. S. Reminiscences. , . . 1840. Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences of the last Sixty-five Years. Hartford, 1840. Thompson, J. P. Memoir of David Hale. 1850. Thwaites, R. G. The Ohio Valley Press before the War of 1812-15. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1909. Early Vermont Newspapers. [To 18 10.] In Proceedings of the Vermont His- torical Society for 1882, pp. xv-xix. Montpelier, 1883. Weeks, S. B. The Press of North Carolina in the Eighteenth Century. Brook- lyn, 1891. Williams, C. K. History of Rutland Newspapers. Rutland, Vermont, 1870. Williams, J. P. History of the Newspaper Press of St. Paul. St. Paul, Miime- sota, 1871. Winchester, P. Newspapers and Newspaper Men of Maryland Past and Present. Baltimore, 1905. Wolf, S. Mordecai Manuel Noah. Philadelphia, 1897. Woollen, W. W. Indiana Press in the Olden Time. In Biographical and His- torical Sketches of Early Indiana, pp. 538-559. Indianapolis, 1883. Worth, G. A. Sketches of the Character of the New York Press. 1844. Young, J. P. Journalism in California. San Francisco, 1915. James Gordon Bennett Houghton, W. R. James Gordon Bennett, la Kings of Fortune, pp. 407-426, Chicago, 1886,