Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/542

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526 Bibliographies Gladden, Washington. Recollections. Boston and New York . . . 1909. Publications of the Presidents and Professors of Williams College, 1793-1876. North Adams, Mass., 1876. [Pamphlet.] The Religious History of New England. King's Chapel Lectures by John Winthrop Platner [The Congregationalists]; William W. Fenn [The Revolt against the Standing Order: I. Popular Movements; 2. The Unitarians]; George E. Horr [The Baptists]; Rufus M. Jones [The Quakers]; George Hodges [The Episco- palians]; William E. Huntington [The Methodists]; John Coleman Adams [The Universalists]; William L. Worcester [The Swedenborgians]. Cam- bridge, 1917. Riley, Woodbridge. American Philosophy: The Early Schools. 1907. American Thought from Puritanism to Pragmatism. 1915. [Select biblio- graphy, pp. 361-7.] The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. . . Based on the Third Edition of the Realencyklopadie, founded by J. J. Herzog and edited by Albert Hauck. Prepared by more than six hundred scholars and specialists under the supervision of Samuel Macauley Jackson. New York and London, 1908-14. 13 vols. Sparks, Jared [Ed.] The Library of American Biography. Boston, 1834-48. 25 vols. Sprague, William B[uell]. Annals of the American Pulpit; or Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergjrmen of various denominations, from the early settlement of the country to the close of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five. With historical introductions. 1857-69. 9 vols. [Vol. 7 issued also as: Annals of the American Methodist Pulpit, 1865; vol. 8 as: Annals of the American Unitarian Pulpit, 1865.] Stokes, Anson Phelps. Memorials of Eminent Yale men; a biographical study of student life and university influences during the eighteenth and nine- teenth centuries. Portraits. New Haven and London, 1914. 2 vols. [Index and Bibliography, vol. 2, p. [4211-452. Contents: vol. I, Religion and Letters; vol. 11, Science and Public Life.] The Story of the Churches [Series], i. Charles Lemuel Thompson. The Presbyte- rians [1903]; 2. Henry C. Vedder. The Baptists [1903]; 3. John Alfred Faulkner. The Methodists [1903]; 4. Leonard Woolsey Bacon. The Congregationalists [1904] [Pithy but very brief]; 5. Daniel Dulany Addison. The Episcopalians [1904] [Not valuable. No index]; 6. Er- rett Gates. The Disciples of Christ [1905]. Unitarianism: its Origin and History. . . . Sixteen Lectures delivered in . . . Boston, 1888-89. Boston: American Unitarian Association. 1890. [l. Early Christian Doctrine. Rev. Joseph Henry Allen. 11. Christianity from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century. Rev. Andrew P. Peabody. iii. Unitarianism and the Reformation. Rev. Seth C. Beach, iv. Unitarian- ism in England. Rev. Brooke Herford. v. The Contact of American Uni- tarianism and German Thought. Rev. Joseph Henry Allen. . . . vii. Early New England Unitarians. Rev. Andrew P. Peabody. viii. Channing. Rev. George W. Briggs. IX. Transcendentalism. . . . Rev. Francis Tiffany, x. Theodore Parker. Rev. Samuel Barrett Stewart. XI. Unitarianism and Modern Literature. Rev. Francis Hombrooke. XII. Unitarianism and Modem Biblical Criticism. Rev. James De Nor- mandie. xiii. Unitarianism and Modern Scientific Thought. Rev. Thomas R. Slicer. xiv. The Law of Righteousness. Rev. George Batchelor. XV. The Relation of Unitarianism to Philosophy. Rev. Charles Carroll