Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/543

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Divines and Moralists 527 Everett, xvi. Ecclesiastical and Denominational Tendencies. Rev. Grindall Reynolds.] Walker, Williston. Ten New England Leaders. 1901 [ William Bradford, John Cotton, Richard Mather, John Eliot, Increase Mather, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Chauncy, Samuel Hopkins, Leonard Woods, Leonard Bacon.] Williamsiana: a bibliography of pamphlets and books relating to the history of Williams College, 1793-1911. Compiled by John Adams Lowe, M.A. [Librarian of Williams College.] Williamstown, Massachusetts, 191 1. [Pamphlet.] [For material on and by Mark Hopkins.] Winsor, Justin [Ed.]. The Memorial History of Boston . . . 1630-1880. Boston, 1881. 4 vols. [Vol. in, ch. xi, The Unitarians in Boston, by the Rev. Andrew P. Peabody; ch. xii, The Century of Universalism, by the Rev. A. A. Miner.] Jacob Abbott Abbott, Jacob. The Young Christian ; or, a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. Revised Edition. Published by the American Tract Society . . n. d. [1832]. Boston, 1835. Memorial Edition with a sketch of the author by one of his sons [Edward Abbott]. Illustrated. 1882. [Section xv of the sketch, pp. 1 10-127, is a Bibliography, "intended to be exhaustive only as respects titles. No attempt has been made to enu- merate all editions." The earliest ed. cited of The Young Christian is that of Boston, 1832.] Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) Alexander, Archibald, and his sons James Waddel Alexander (1804-1859) and Joseph Addison Alexander (1809-1860). See Addison and Fowler {op. cit.), Andover Theological Seminary The Constitution and Associate Statutes of the Theological Seminary in An- dover; with a Sketch of its Rise and Progress. Published by order of the Trustees. Boston . . . 1808. [Pamphlet, 68 pp. Pp. 3-10: Historic Sketch, exhibited at the Opening of the Theological Institution. By Eliphalet Pearson, LL.D.] Abbot, Abiel. History of Andover from its settlement to 1829. Andover, 1829. [Pp. 1 19-123 on the Theological Seminary.] Woods, Leonard. History of the Andover Theological Seminary. " Boston, 1885. Park, Edwards A. The Associate Creed of Andover Theological Seminary. Boston. 1883. [Pamphlet, 98 pp.] [Opposes the heresies of the Andover professors, who afterward published their views in The Andover Review and in Progressive Orthodoxy.] The Andover Review. A religious and theological monthly. . . . Editors, Egbert C. Smyth, J. W. Churchill, William J. Tucker, George Harris, Edward Y. Hincks, Professors in Andover Theological Seminary. Boston, 1884-93. 19 vols. [On the Andover Case see Editorial in vol. xix, p. 713-715 (closing number, Nov.-Dec., 1893).] Progressive Orthodoxy. A contribution to the Christian Interpretation of Chris- tian Doctrines by the Editors of "The Andover Review. " Boston and New York, 1886. ["Appeared first as editorial contributions to 'The Andover Review.'"] The Andovfer Heresy. In the matter of the complaint against Egbert C. Smyth and others. Professors of the Theological Institution in Phillips Academy,