Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/544

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528 Bibliographies Andover. Professor Smyth's Argument, together with the statements of Professors Tucker, Harris, Hincks, and Churchill. Boston, 1887. [Pam- phlet, 130 pp.] Dwight, Theodore W. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Essex, ss. Supreme Judicial Court. Egbert C. Smyth, Appellant vs. The Visitors of the Theologi- cal Institution in Phillips Academy in Andover. Brief of Appellant. Theo- dore W. Dwight, of Counsel. [Pamphlet, no t. p. ; n. d. ; above title on cover; 132 pp.; p. 132 signed and dated: "Theodore W. Dwight, of Cotinsel for the Appellant. New York, October 14, 1890."] Wellman, Joshua W., and Lanphear, Orpheus T. The Question at Issue in the Andover Case. Arguments of Rev. Drs. Joshua W. Wellman and Orpheus T. Lanphear, complainants in the Andover Case. Prepared for the Hearing before the Board of Visitors, September i, 1892. Prepared but not read. Published by request. Boston, 1893. [Pamphlet, 290 pp.] General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary. Andover, Massachusetts, 1808- 1908. Boston, n. d. [1909]. Addresses delivered at the service of induction of the Reverend Daniel Evans, D.D., into the Abbot Professorship of Christian Theology, and the Reverend Albert Parker Fitch into the Bartlet Professorship of Practical Theology in Andover Theological Seminary in Cambridge, . . . the twenty-second day of March, Nineteen Hundred Nine. Boston, n. d. [1909]. [Pamphlet, 38 pp.] Fuess, Claude M. An Old New England School. A History of Phillips Academy, Andover, with illustrations. Boston and New York, 1917. [Pp. 140-156, 316-20, 408-9, 508-10.] Ballou, Hosea, I (1771-1852) AND II (1796-1861) Adams, John Coleman. Hosea BaUou and the Gospel Renaissance of the Nineteenth Century. [Delivered before the Universalist General Con- vention, Buffalo, 1901.] [Portrait.] Boston and Chicago, 1903. Buckminster, Joseph. A Series of Letters, etc. Wellman and Lanphear. The Question at Issue in the Andover Case. See, also, Addison, Chadwick, and Winsor {op. cit.). Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) I. Separate Works Seven Lectures for Young Men. . . . Indianapolis, 1844. As: Lectures to Young Men, on Various Important Subjects, 2d ed., IndianapoUs, Salem, Cincinnati, 1845 [entered 1844]. Brooklyn, Salem, Boston, New York, 28th Thousand, 1855. New Edition [8 lectures]. Boston, 1868 [entered 1859]. As: Addresses to Young Men, Philadelphia, n. d. [1895]. [7 lectures.] Star Papers; or. Experiences of Art and Nature. New York . . . Boston . . . Cincinnati. . . . 1855. Enlarged Edition, 1873. Defence of Kansas. [Pamphlet. 8 pp. no t. p. Colophon: Washington, D. C. . . . 1856.] Life Thoughts, gathered from the extemporaneous discourses of Henry Ward Beecher. By one of his congregation [Edna Dean Proctor]. Tenth thou- sand. Boston, 1858. Plain and Pleasant Talk about Fruit, Flowers and Farming. 1859. New Star Papers; or Views and Experiences of Religious Subjects. 1859. 1"^° the most part . . . from the columns of the New York Independent. "]