Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/552

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536 Bibliographies Spring, Leverett Wilson. Mark Hopkins, Teacher. . . . 1888. Monographs of the Industrial Education Association. Edited by Nicholas Murray Butler. . . . Vol. I, No. 4. [Pamphlet]. A History of Williams College. . . . With illustrations. . . . 1917. See, also, Gladden (pp. cit.). Samuel Hopkins (1721-1803) The Works of Samuel Hopkins. . . . With a Memoir of his Life and Character [by Edwards A. Pq,rk]. . . . Boston . . . 1852. 3 vols. [Does not include (see Memoir, p. 231) "his 'Animadversions on Mr. Hart's Late Dialogue,' . . . the larger part of his essays for the periodicals, " or "his four Biographies " — viz. of Jonathan Edwards, Susanna Anthony, Sarah Osbom, and himself.] The Life and Character of the late Reverend Mr. Jonathan Edwards, president of the College of New- Jersey. By Samuel Hopkins. Together with a number of his Sermons on various important subjects. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland. m, dcc, lxv. [So in Evans: American Bibliography, vol. iv, p. 10, No. 9961. Park: Memoir, p. 213, gives for the first ed. a different t. p. and the date 1764. This has not been traced.] The Life of the late reverend, learned and pious Mr. Jonathan Edwards, some- time minister of the Gospel at Northampton, in New-England, and then mis- sionary^ to the Indians at Stockbridge, and after that president of New- Jersey Collie. Who departed this life at Princeton, March 22, 1758, in the 55th year of his age. Boston: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland, m, dcc, lxv. [So in Evans: American BibUography, vol. iv, p. 16, No. 10,008.] The Life and Character of the late reverend, learned, and pious Mr. Jona- than Edwards, President of the College of New- Jersey. Together with Extracts from his Private Writings & Diary. And also seventeen Select Sermons On Various Important Subjects. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance, Psal. cxii. 6. Northampton: Printed by Andrew Wright, For S. & E. Butler, and Sold at their Book Store. 1804. [2d ed. (Park: Memoir, p. 213).] Memoirs of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, A. M., President of the College in New Jersey. Compiled originally by Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Revised and enlarged by the editors of Edwards's works. And now first published in a separate Volume, with numerous verbal emendations. By John Hawksley. London: Printed for James Black, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 1815. [The Appendix contains A Sketch of Mrs. Edwards's Life and Character, pp. [205]-2i6; A brief Account of Mrs. Esther Burr, President Edwards's Daughter, pp. 217-227; A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards [Junior], D.D., pp. 228-266.] Correspondence (1790) between Samuel Hopkins and Roger Sherman [with intro- duction, Hopkinsianism, by Andrew P. Peabody]. In American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, New Seiries, vol. v. Worcester . . . 1889, pp. 442- 461. (22 Oct., 1888.) [" . . . there is not the slightest probability that these letters to Dr. Hopkins were ever printed till now . . ." Introduc- tion, p. 441.] Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died, in Newport (R. I.), June 23, MDCCxci, . consisting chiefly in extracts from her writings, . . . compiled by Samuel Hopkins, D.D. . . . Worcester, Massachusetts . . . Leonard Worcester, mdccxcvi. [First ed. (See Park: Memoir, p. 214.)]