Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/553

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Divines and Moralists 537 Memoirs of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died at Newport, Rhode-Island, June 23, 1791 . . . [with other slight differences from above t. p.] Anew edition . . . Clipstone [England]: . . . J. W. Morrisi . . . 1803. [First English ed.?] 2d American ed., Portland, 1810. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who died at Newport, Rhodeisland, on the second day of August, 1796. In the eighty-third year of her age. By Samuel Hopkins, D. D. Pastor of the First Congregational Church in New- port. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Leonard Worcester. 1799. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who ^died at Newport, (Rhode- Island), on the second day of August, 1796. In the eighty-third year of her age. By Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Pastor of the is); Congregational Church in Newport. Second edition. Catskill . . . N. Elliott. . . . 1814. Sketches of the life of the late Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D.D. . . , written by himself; interspersed with marginal notes extracted from his private diary: to which is add,ed; a Dialogue, by the same hand, on the nature and extent of true Christian submission [i. e. the Dialogue between a Calvinist and a Semi-Calvinist]; also, a Serious Address to Professing Christians: closed by Dr. Hart's Sermon at his funeral: with an Introduction to the whole, by the Editor. Published by Stephen West, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Stockbridge. . . . Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1805. [P. 104: "N.B. I finished writing the foregoing sketches of my life on the 2 1st day of July, 1796. This is an addition to the former sketches of my life finished July 21, 1796, having lived to this day December 16, 1799."] Biography and Criticism Ferguson, John. Memoir of the life and character of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D.D. ... by John Ferguson, Pastor of the East Church in Attleborough, Mass. Boston . . . New York . . . 1830. [Appendix, Note G, pp. 191-6: "a correct account of the publications of Dr. Hopkins, condensed chiefly from his biography, " i.e. West's Memoir.] Peabody, Andrew P. Hopkinsianism. In American Antiquarian Society [Worcester, Mass.] Proceedings, New Series, vol. v. Worcester . . . 1889, pp. 437-441 (October 22, 1888). [Introductory to Correspondence between Samuel Hopkins and Roger Sherman, g. v.] See, also, various memoirs published with the works listed above, and Chad- wick, Dexter [extensive bibliography], Stokes, Walker, {pp. cit.) James McCosh (1811-1894) Dulles, Joseph H[eatly]. McCosh Bibliography. A List of the Published Writ- ings of The Rev. James McCosh, D.D., LL.D., Litt. D. by the Rev. Joseph H. Dulles, Librarian of Princeton Theological Seminary. Reprinted from The Princeton College Bulletin, vol. vii, No. I, March, 1895. [Pamphlet, 9 pp. P. [i] : "The following list covers a period of sixty-one years, from the time that Doctor McCosh was twenty-two years old until the year of his death . . The list does not include all of Dr. McCosh's contributions to the religious press, but does contain the more important of these. "] Sloan, William Milligan [ed.]. The Life of James McCosh. A Record Chiefly Autobiographical. . . . With portraits. . . . 1897. [Pp. [2691-282: Bib- liography by Joseph H. Dulles. A reprint of the pamphlet bibliography (l895)-iee above — with one title added and one omitted.] See, also, Addison (op. cit.) and Riley (American Thought).