Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/554

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538 Bibliographies Andrews Norton (i 786-1 853) Separate Works [Ed.] The General Repository and Review. To be continued quarterly. . . . Cambridge. [4 vols, each containing 2 numbers, Jan., 1812-Oct., 1813, in- clusive.] Inaugural discourse, delivered before the university in Cambridge, August 10, 1819. By Andrews Norton, Dexter Professor of Sacred Literature. Cam- bridge. . . . 1819. A Statement of Reasons for not believing the doctrines of trinitarians, concerning the nature of God, and the person of Christ. In The Christian Disciple, vol. I, New Series, pp. 370-431. (1819.) ["Occasioned by Professor Stuart's Letters to Dr. Channing. "] [On this controversy see, also, Sprague: American Pulpit, vol. 8, Historical Introduction.] Enlarged ed. Cambridge and Boston, 1833. 8th ed. with additions [by Ezra Abbot, Jr.?] and a Biograph- ical Notice of the Author [by the Rev. William Newell.] Boston: Amer- ican Unitarian Association, 1875. [Entered 1856, by Charles Eliot Norton. Appaiently a reprint.] Thoughts oil True and False Religion. In The Christian Disciple, Sept., Oct., 1820. Liverpool Unitarian Tract Society. Liverpool, 1822. [Pamphleti 39 pp.] 2d Liverpool ed., 1830. [Pamphlet, 56 pp.] (And see Tracts concerning Christianity.) Views of Calvinism. In The Christian Disciple, July, Aug., 1822. (See Tracts concerning Christianity.) [Pamphlet. No. t. p., n. d. 40 pp. Seems to be a very early reprint, as it contains the controversial matter omitted from the revised reprint.] Remarks on a report of a committee of the overseers of Harvard College, proposing certain changes, relating to the instruction and discipline of the college; . . By one, lately a member of the immediate government of the college. Cambridge. . . . 1824. [Pamphlet, 12 pp.] [Ed., with Charles Folsom.] The Select Journal of Foreign Periodical Literature. Quarterly. Boston, 1833-34. The Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. ... [3 vols.] Volume i, Boston . . 1837. Volumes 11 and iii, Cambridge . . . 1844. 2d ed. Vol. I, Cambridge, 1846. Vols. 11 and iii, Cambridge, 1848. Abridged Ed. [i vol.] Boston, 1875. A Discourse on the Latest Form of Infidelity; delivered at the request of the "As- sociation of the alumni of the Cambridge Theological School, " on the 19th of July, 1839. With notes. . . . Cambridge. . . 1839. [Pamphlet, 64 pp.] Remarks on a pamphlet entitled, "'The Latest Form of Infidelity' Examined." . . . Cambridge . . 1839. [As much of the substance of this as was not immediately controversial was embodied, with modifications, in Remarks on the Modern German School of Infidelity, in Tracts concerning Christi- anity, g. v.] Tracts concerning Christianity. . . . Cambridge, . . . 1852. [Contains: A Defence of Liberal Christianity. (First published 1812 in The General Repository and Review ; now reprinted with an Introductory Note wWch contains) Letter to George Ticknor on the Origin and Progress of Liberal Views of Christian- ity in New England, and on Mr. Buckminster's Relations to them; A Dis- course on the Extent and Relations of Theology (his Inaugural Discourse); Thoughts on True and False Religion; Views of C9.1vinism; A Discourse