Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/555

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Divines and Moralists 539 on the Latest Form of Infidelity; Remarks on the Modern German School of Infidelity; On the Objection to Faith in Christianity, as resting on his- torical facts and critical learning. (The last two originally published as Notes to the Discourse.) Internal Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Part I. Remarks on Christianity and the Gospels, with particular reference to Strauss's "Life of Jesus." Part II. Portions of an unfinished work. . . . Boston . . . 1855. [Entered . . . 1855, by Charles Eliot Norton.] A Translation of the Gospels. With notes. . . . Boston. . . . 1855. 2 vols. [Vol. I, text; vol. 2, notes.] [Entered . . . 1855, by Charles Eliot Norton.! 1856. [Unchanged from ed. of 1855.] For further bibliographical material and suggestions, see: Allen, Our Liberal Movement, pp. 23-4, and Sequel to "Our Liberal Movement," p. 16; Cooke, Unitarianism in America, pp. 391, 392 n.; [Newell], Biographical Notice in Norton, Statement of Reasons, as above, pp. xv-xvii, xxvii- XXX. Biography and Criticism [Newell.] Biographical Notice, in Norton, Statement of Reasons [as above]. Winsor, Justin [ed.] Memorial History of Boston, iv, 299-301 [a handsome appreciation of Norton by George Ripley]; 310-11 and notes [an account of the controversy between Ripley and Norton, by George P. Bradford.] See, also, Allen (Sequel), Chadwick {op. cit.). Noah Porter (1811-1892) See Addison and Stokes (op. cit.). Princeton Theological Seminary Historical Sketch of the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. [Pamphlet. 8 pp., no t. p., n. d.] [1816.] Dulles, J[oseph] H[eatly]. Princeton Theological Seminary. . . . (Reprinted from The History of Education in New Jersey, 1899). [Pamphlet, 22 pp.] Princeton Review. See Hodge, Charles [ed]. Biblical Repertory.'*' EzBA Stiles (1727-95) (For extensive bibliography see Dexter, Biographical Sketches, 11, 95-97-) Extracts from the Itineraries and other Miscellanies of Ezra Stiles. . . . 1755- 1794 with a Selection from his Correspondence. Edited ... by Franklin Bowditch Dexter. . . . New Haven, . . . 1916. The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D.D., L.L.D. President of Yale College. Edited ... by Franklin Bowditch Dexter. ... [3 vols., portraits.] 1901. [Vol. I, I Jan., 1769-13 March, 1776; vol. 11, 14 March, 1776-31 Dec, 1781; vol. Ill, I Jan., 1782-6 May, 1795. i, 1-2, Brief biographical sketch by editor.] Biography and Criticism Holmes, Abiel. The Life of Ezra Stiles. . . . Boston . . . 1798. [Park, Edwards A.] Memoir of Samuel Hopkins, in Hopkins: Works, 1 852. See, also, Addison, Dexter, Sprague (Annals, i), Stokes (op. cit.). Francis Wayland (i 796-1 865) See Addison and Armitage (op. cit.).