Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/564

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548 Bibliographies Curtis, George W. James Russell Lowell: an Address. 1892. Reprinted in Ora- tions and Addresses, 1894. Mr. Lowell's Birmingham Address. Harper's Magazine, Mar. 1881. Dennett, J. R. Lowell's Essays. Nation, 21 Apr., 1870. Edinburgh Review. James Russell Lowell. Jan., 1900. The Writings of James Russell Lowell. Oct., 1891. Farrar, P. W. An English Estimate of Lowell. Forum, Oct., 1891. Felton, C. C. Lowell's Poems. North American, Apr., 1844. Flower, B. 0. James Russell Lowell as a Poet of Freedom and Human Rights. Arena, Mar., 1909. Foerster, N. Lowell as a Poet of Nature. Sewanee Review, Oct., 1917. Giner de los Rios, Francisco. Boletin de la institucion libre de ensenanza, 31 Aug., 1891, p. 291. Godkin, Edwin L. Mr. Lowell and the Irish. Nation, 25 May, 1882. The Reasons why Mr. Lowell should be recalled. Nation, i June, 1882. Mr. Lowell. Nation, 28 May, 1885. Gordon, Lady Camilla. A Few Personal Reminiscences of James Russell Lowell. In Suffolk Tales and Other Stories, London, 1897. Green, G. W. Mr. Lowell and the Irish-American Suspects. International Review, June, 1882. Greenslet, Ferris. James Russell Lowell: His Life and Work. Boston, 1905. Grimm, Hermann. See Addresses. Hale, Edward Everett. James Russell Lowell and his Friends. Boston, 1898. Hale, Edward Everett, Jr. James Russell LoweU. Boston, 1899. Hallowell, Mrs. Anna D. An Episode in the Life of James RusseU Lowell. Har- per's Weekly, 23 Apr., 1892. Harper's Weekly. Lowell and HoweUs. 25 Jan., 1902. Hart, James M. James Russell Lowell. Pub. Mod. Lang. Ass., 1892. Vol. vii, No. 2. Harte, Bret. A Few Words about Lowell. New Review, Sept., 1891. Hatfield, James T. See Addresses. Haweis, Hugh R. James Russell Lowell, Poet and Essajrist. Gentleman's Magazine, Oct., Nov., 1880. American Humorists. London, 1882. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Lowell's Closing Years in Cambridge. In Book and Heart, 1897. Old Cambridge. 1899. [Last Chapter is on Lowell and includes several Letters.] Hillard, G. S. A Year's Life. North American, Apr., 1841. Homes of American Authors. 1852. Horwill, H. W. Lowell's Influence in England. New England Magazine, Nov., 1902. House, Edward H. A First Interview with LoweU. Harper's Weekly, 3 Sept., 1892. Howe, M. A. DeWolfe. Whittier and Lowell. Bookman, March, 1898. HoweUs, W. D. A Personal Retrospect of James Russell LoweU. Scribner's Magazine, Sept., 1900. Studies of Lowell. In Literary Friends and Acquaintance, 1900. Hudson, W. H. LoweU and his Poetry. London, 1911. [Many poems.] Hughes, Thomas. Fable for Critics. Critic, 27 Mar., 1886. James, Henry. James Russell LoweU. Atlantic Monthly, Jan., 1892. Essays in London. 1893.