Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/565

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Lowell 549 James, Henry. Warner's Library World's Best Literature, v. i6, 1897. Jameson, J. P. Lowell and Public Affairs. Review of Reviews, Oct., 1891. Keyser, L. S. Lowell and the Birds. New England Magazine, Nov., 1891. Lawton, W. C. Our Fullest Throat of Song. Lippincott's Magazine, Nov., 1895. The New England Poets: A Study of Emerson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Holmes. 1898. Lockwood, Ferris. Mr. Lowell on Art Principles. Scribner's, Feb., 1894. Low, Sidney. Lowell in his Poetry. Fortnightly Review, Sept., 1891. LoweU, Abbott L. Memoir of James Russell Lowell. In Proc. Mass. Hist. Soc, 2 series, v. xi, p. 75. Reprinted from the Proceedings of May and June, 1896. Cambridge, 1896. Macarthur, H. Realism and Romance. 1897. Mackie, A. Nature Knowledge in Modern Poetry. 1906. Mead, E. D. Lowell's Pioneer. New England Magazine, Oct., 1891. Means, D. MacG. Lcwell the Patriot. Nation, 20 Aug., 1891. Merrill, G. B. James Russell Lowell: A Paper read at the annual dinner [of the] Harvard Club of San Francisco, October 22, 1891. San Francisco, 1891. Meynell, Alice. The Rhythm of Life and Other Essays. London, 1893. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Massachusetts Com- mandery. In Memoriam: James Russell Lowell. Boston, 1892. Mims, E. Lowell as a Citizen. South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan., 1902. Nadal, E. S. Some Impressions of Mr. Lowell. Critic, 25 Feb., 1893. London Recollections of Lowell. Harper's, Feb., 1916. In A Virginian Village and Other Papers. 1917. Norton, Charles EUot. James Russell Lowell. Harper's Magazine, May, 1893. Letters of Lowell. Harper's Magazine, Sept., 1893. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. American Literature. In Art, Literature, and the Drama. Boston, 1859. Palmer, RoundeU. Lowell and Modern Criticism. International Review. Mar., 1877. Parton, James. Mr. Lowell's Return. Literary World, 27 June, 1885. Poe, Edgar Allan. Poems by James Russell LoweU. Graham's Magazine, Mar,, 1844. Pollak, G. International Perspective in Criticism: Goethe, GriUparzer, Sainte- Beuve, Lowell. 1914. Prenssische Jahrbucher. LoweU, der Satiriker, Nachklange amerikanische Gedachtnisreden in Berlin. Vol. 89, p. 133. Quayle, W. A. LoweU. 1906. Reilly, J. J. James Russell LoweU as a Critic. 1915. Riano, E. Gayangas de. Lowell and his Spanish Friends; with an Unpublished Poem. Century, June, 1900. Rice, WaUace. Lowell on Human Liberty. Dial, i Jan., 1903. Rideing, W. H. The Boyhood of James RusseU LoweU. Cosmopolitan, Nov., 1887. Sanborn, F. B. Home and Haunts of LoweU. New England Magazine, Nov., 1891. Saturday Review. An American Cassandra. 4 Aug., 1888. Savage, M. J. The Religion of LoweU's Poems. Arena, May, 1894. A Morning with Lowell. Arena, Dec, 1895. Scudder, H. E. LoweU, Brooks and Gray in their Letters. Atlantic, Jan., 1894. James RusseU LoweU: A Biography. Boston, 1901. 2 vols.