Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/567

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BOOK III CHAPTER I WHITMAN By Emory Holloway and Henry S. Saunders The Whitman bibliography is now so voluminous that even in a selected list, such as is given here, compression is necessary. Accordingly, the following ab- breviations for the longer and most frequently recurring titles will be employed: A. M.= Atlantic Monthly L. I. P. = Long Island Parmer and A. R. = American Review Queens County Register [Jamaica] B.=Bookman [New York] L. M. =Lippincott's Magazine B. E. =Brookl3ai Daily Eagle M. de P. =Mercure de France B. J. = Brother Jonathan N. A. R.= North American Review Cc.=Critic N. B. = November Boughs, 1888 Col. = Columbian Magazine N. E. M. = New England Magazine Con. = Conservator N. O. C. =New Orleans Daily Crescent C. P. E. = Complete Prose Editions N. W. = New World Cy. = Century N. Y. D. G. = New York Daily Graphic D. R. = Democratic Review N. Y. E. P. = New York Evening Post G. = Galaxy N. Y. H.— New York Herald. G. B. M. F. = Good-Bye My Fancy, N. Y. T. = New York Times 1891 P. L.= Poet-Lore H. M. =Harper's Monthly R. d. d. M. =Revue des deux Mondes In Re = In Re Walt Whitman, ed.Trau- S. D. C. — Specimen Days and Collect, bd, 1893 i882-'83 L. I. D.=Long Island Democrat Tribune = New York Tribune [Jamaica] Stars indicate items which, or parts of which, are believed to be here first listed in Whitman bibliography. I. Bibliographies Bookman [New York]. A Bibliography of Walt Whitman. Sept., 1897, vol. 6, pp. 81-82. North, Ernest Dressel. A Check List of Walt Whitman. Book Buyer, Apr., 1899, voL 18, p. 48. Triggs, Oscar LoveU. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman. Boston, 1898. [A Selected Bibliography, pp. 251-257.] The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman. 1902, vol. 10, pp. 139-233. 551