Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/568

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552 Bibliographies Williamson, George M. Catalogue of a Collection of Books, Letters and Manu- scripts written by Walt Whitman, in the Library of George M. Williamson. 1903. Trimble, W. H. Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass, London, 1905, pp. 92-100. Moulton, Charles Wells [Editor]. Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors. Buffalo, 1905, vol. 8, pp. 129-153. Page, Curtis Hidden. The Chief American Poets. Boston, 1905, pp. 647-650. Trimble, W. H. Catalogue of a Collection of Walt Whitman Literature compiled [and published] by the Owner. New Zealand [1912], pp. 36. Jones, P. M. Whitman in France.' Modem Language Review, Cambridge, Jan., 1915, pp. 25-27. Ferguson, J. DeL. American Literature in Spain.' 1916. Montoliu, Cebri^. Walt Whitman. Barcelona, 1913, pp. 197-203. II. Separate Works Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, New York, 1855. [Imperial 8vo, pp. i-xii, 13-95. Contains twelve poems without titles. Portrait. Issued in both cloth and paper. Later issues contain press notices. Parts of the preface were afterwards incorporated into various poems.] [Preface reprints: Poems of Walt Whitman, ed. Rossetti, London, 1868. (Also in reprints of 1886 and 1910.) Exact reprint; Trubner & Co., London, 1881. Exact reprint; S. D. C. and in all editions of Complete Prose. Slightly altered; Triggs, 0. L. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman. Boston, 1898. Exact reprint; American Essayists. Colonial Press, 1899. Same as in S. D. C; Payne, Wm. M. American Literary Criticism, 1904. As in S. D. C; Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books. Collier & Son, 1909. The Harvard Classics. Exact Reprint; Oxford Book of American Essays, 1914, ed. Matthews, Brander. As in S. D. C] Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, New York, 1856. [i6mo, pp. i-iv, 5-384. 2d ed. Portrait. Poems printed with titles, twenty new ones added. Con- tains Emerson's letter of 21 July, 1855, to Whitman, and a reply; also a number of press notices. On the back of the cover is printed "I greet you at the beginning of a great career, R. W. Emerson. "] Leaves of Grass. Boston: Thayer and Eldridge, Year 85 of The States. (1860- 61.) [i2mo, pp. i-iv, 5-476. 3d ed. Portrait from painting by Charles Hine. Contains many new poems. Issued in both paper and cloth. A spurious reprint of this edition was issued for many years in New York; it may be distinguished by the absence of the following words on the back of title-page: "Electro typed at the Boston stereotype Foundry. Printed by George C. Rand & Avery. "] Leaves of Grass Imprints. See post, Sect. VI, Thayer and Eldridge. Drum-Taps. New York, 1865. [Pp. i-iv, 5-72, paper.] Reprinted, as in the current authorized Leaves of Grass, by Chatto & Windus, London, 1915. Sequel to Drum-Taps. (Since the preceding came from the press.) When Lilacs Last in the Door- Yard Bloom'd. And Other Pieces. Washington. 1865-6. [Pp. 1-24.] Issued with Drum-Taps, 1865. [Paper.] Leaves of Grass. New- York, 1867. [i2mo, pp. i-iv, 5-338, i-iv, 5-72, 1-24, 1-36. 4th ed. Contains Drum-Taps, Sequel to Dnun-Taps, and new poems. Half leather. No portrait.] ■ Incorporated here by kind permission of the publishers and the author.