Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/569

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Whitman 553 Democratic Vistas. Washington, D. C, 1871. [Pp. 1-84. Paper. General Notes printed later in various parts of Complete Prose. Vistas added to Prose works in the Two Rivulets volume, 1876. Separate reprints: London: Walter Scott, Camelot Series, 1888; London: Geo. Routledge & Sons, Universal Library, n. d.; London: J. M. Dent & Sons, n. d. [1912], Leaves of Grass [i vol.] and Democratic Vistas.] Passage to India. Washington, D. C., 1871. [Pp. i-iv, 5-120. Pamphlet con- taining 73 poems.] After All Not to Create Only. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1871. [Pp. i-viii, 9-24. Afterwards as Song of the Exposition.] Reprinted in Transactions of the American Institute, Albany, 1872. Incorporated in Leaves of Grass, 1876. Leaves of Grass. Washington, D. C, 1871. [8vo, pp. i-vi, 8-384. 5th ed. New poems added. Some copies have as annexes Passage to India and After All Not to Create Only. ' Later copies are iated 1872.] As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free, and Other Poems, Washington, D. C, 1872. [Prose preface and seven poems. Pamphlet, pp. i-ix, 1-16, and advertise- ments.] Memoranda during the War. Camden, New Jersey, 1875-76. [Prose pamphlet, pp. 1-68.] Leaves of Grass. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. [i2mo, pp. i-vi, 7-384. 6th ed. Portraits. Half leather. Some copies contain a few short additional poems.] Two Rivulets. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. [i2mo, pp. 1-32, 1-84, 1-18, i-ix, 1-16, 1-68, i-iv, 5-120. Portrait. Half leather. Poems and Prose. Leaves of Grass. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1881-2. [i2mo, pp. 382. 7th ed. Portrait and new poems. Suppression of this edition being threatened, the publishers abandoned it.] Reissued by the author, Camden, 1882, and later by Rees Welsh & Co., and David McKay, both Philadelphia, dated 1882 to 1884. There are also English imprints: Trubner, 1881, Bogue, 1881, and Wilson & McCormick, Glasgow, 1883. Specimen Days and Collect. Philadelphia: Rees Welsh & Co., 1882-83. [i2mo, pp. i-vi, 7-374. Portrait. Later copies bear the imprint of David Mc- Kay.] Glasgow: Wilson & McCormick, 1883. Republished: in all editions of Complete Prose; London: Walter Scott, Camelot Series, 1887; London: George Routledge & Sons, Universal Library, n. d. November Boughs. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1888. [8vo, pp. 140. Por- trait. Prose and a few poems.] Paisley, 1889. [Incorporated in subse- quent editions of Leaves of Grass and of Complete Prose.] Complete Poems and Prose. Authenticated and Personal Book (handled by W. W.). 1888-89. [Large 4to, pp. 1-382, i-vi, 7-374, 1-140, 1-2. 600 copies.] Leaves of Grass. Special pocket edition, 300 copies. May 31, 1889, autographed. [i2mo, pp. 1-404, 1-18. Morocco. Portraits. 8th separate ed. In this ecjition the prose essay A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads is placed at the end of the volume, where it has been retained in subsequent editions.] Good-Bye, My Fancy. Second annex to Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1891. [8vo, pp. 66. Portrait. Poems and prose. Incorporated in subsequent editions of Leaves of Grass and Complete Prose.] Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1892. [i2mo, pp. 438. Portrait, gth ed. Cloth or paper.] Manchester: The Labour Press Society, n. d. Complete Prose Works. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1892. [8vo. pp. i-viii, 7-522. Subsequent issues bear different dates.] Leaves of Grass. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1897. [8vo, pp. 455. Por.