Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/570

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554 Bibliographies traits. 90 copies printed on hand-made paper, with four additional portraits, First issue to contain Old Age Echoes. Subsequent ed. by D. Appleton & Co. and Mitchell Kennerley are from the same plates. English imprint, Lon- don: G. P. Putnam's Sons.] Complete Prose Works. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. [8vo, pp. xiii, 527. Portraits. 90 copies on hand-made paper, with additional portraits. This is the first ed. to contain the note Walt Whitman's Last, published in L. M., Aug., 1891. Subsequent ed. by D. Appleton & Co. and Mitchell Kennerley from the same plates. ] Notes and Fragments: left by Walt Whitman and now edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. Printed for private distribution only. [London, Ontario], 1899. [225 copies. 4to, pp. 211. ReprintedinthePutnam Whitman, 1902, vols. 9 and 10.] Walt Whitman's Diary in Canada with Extracts from Other of His Diaries and Literary Note-Books, Edited by William Sloane Kennedy. Boston : Small, Maynard & Co., 1904. [Portrait. 8vo, pp. 73.] An American Primer. Edited by Horace Traubel. Boston: Small, Majmard & Co., 1904. [8vo, pp. 35. Portrait. 500 copies. First printed in A. M., Apr., 1904.] Lafayette in Brooklsm. Introduction by John Burroughs. New York: George D. Smith, 1905. [8vo, pp. 26 (not paged). Portraits. 250 copies.] Criticism, an Essay. Newark, N.J. : Carteret Book Club, 1913. [A short rough draft. 100 copies.] III. Collections and Selections Poems by Walt Whitman. Selected, edited, with introduction, by William Michael Rossetti. London: J. C. Hotten, 1868. [Pp. 403.] Reprinted by Chatto & Windus, 1886 and 1910. Poems of Walt Whitman, with introduction by Ernest Rhys. London: Walter Scott Publishing Co. n. d. [1886]. (Canterbury Poets Series.) Gems from Walt Whitman. Selected by Elizabeth Porter Gould. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1889. [Pp. 58.] Autobiographia. Selected from Whitman's Prose writings by Arthur Stedman. New York: Charles L. Webster & Co., 1892. [Pp. 205.] Selected Poems. Edited by Arthur Stedman. New York: Charles L. Webster & Co., 1892. [Pp. 179.] Poems by Walt Whitman. (Penny Poets series), London: Review of Reviews Office, n. d. [1895]. [Pp. 60, paper.] (The Masterpiece Library.) Intro- duction by W. T. Stead. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman. Edited, with an intro- duction, by Oscar LoveU Triggs. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. [Pp. 257.] Leaves of Grass with Variorum Readings and a Department of Gathered Leaves. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1900. [Pp. 496.] [A reprint of 1872 ed., but recent issues, without indication on title page or elsewhere, contain 1876 poems.] Walt Whitman's Hymn on the Death of Lincoln, with colored frontispiece and initials drawn by C. W. Ashbee. London: Edward Arnold, 1900. [Only 135 copies printed, all on vellum.]