Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/575

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Whitman 559 1844, vol. 2, pp. 1 13-4. (17) The Boy Lover. A. R., May, 1845, vol. i, pp. 479- 482. Reprinted in B. E., 4-5 Jan., 1848; in S. D. C; and in C. P. E. (18)

  • Death of Wind-Foot. A. R., June, 1845, vol. i, pp. 639-642. First printed

in Franklin Evans (.supra), Chapter 2. (19) Revenge and Requital; a Tale of a Murderer Escaped. D. R., July-Aug., 1845. Reprinted as One Wicked Im- pulse in B. E., 7-9 Sept., 1846; in S. D. C; and in C. P. E. (20) A Dialogue [against capital punishment]. D. R., Nov., 1845, vol. 17, pp. 360-364. (21)

  • Tear Down and Build Over Again. A. R., Nov., 1845, vol. i, pp. 536-8. (22)

Art-Singing and Heart-Singing. Broadway Journal, 29 Nov., 1845, vol. 2, pp. 318-9. (23) * Little Jane. B. E., 7 Dec, 1846. First printed in Franklin Evans, Chapter 14. Republished in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (24) * Excerpts from a Traveller's Notebook. N. 0. C, 5, 6, 10 March, 1848. Reprinted in part in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915, vol. 5, pp. 166-183. (25) * Habitants of Hotels. N. O. C, ID March, 1848. (26) * Sketches of the Sidewalks and Levees; With Glimpses into the New Orleans Bar [rooms]. N. O. C, 13, 16, 23, 28 March; 4, 18 April; 2 May, 1848. One Sketch, Miss Dusky Grisette, was reprinted in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915, vol. 5, pp. 166-183. (27) *Hero Presidents. N. O. C, II March, 1848. (28) * Who Shall Wear Motley? N. 0. C, 3 April, 1848. (29) * Death of Mr. Astor of New York. N. O. C, 7 April, 1848. Reprinted in Publications of the La. Hist. Socy., vii, 107-108. (30) * University Studies. N. 0. C, n April, 1848. (31) * The Old Cathedral. N. O. C, 22 April, 1848. (32) * A Walk About Town. N. O. C, 26 April, 1848. Reprinted in Publica- tions of the La. Hist. Socy., vii, 109-111, and in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915. (33) * General Taylor at the Theatre. N. O. C, 9 May, 1848. Reprinted in Publications of the La. Hist. Socy., vii, 106-107. (34) * A Night at the Terpsi- chore Ball. N. O. C, 18 May, 1848. Reprinted, with some omissions, in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915. (35) * The Shadow and the Light of a Young Man's Soul. Union Magazine, June, 1848, vol. 2, pp. 280-1. (36) Art and Artists. Brooklyn Daily Advertiser, 3 Apr., 1851. Reprinted in B. E., 14 July, 1900; and partly in Complete Prose (1898, p. 371). (37) Sunday Restrictions. Brook- 13m Star, 20 Oct., 1854. Reprinted in Con., Nov., 1903, vol. 14, p. 135. (38) Walt Whitman a Brookl}^ Boy. Leaves of Grass (a volume of poems just pub- , lished). Brooklyn Daily Times, 29 Sept., 1855. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass, 1856, pp. 360-3; in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), i860, pp. 30-32; in Bucke's Walt Whitman, 1883; and in In Re. (39) Walt Whitman and His Poems. United States Review, Sept., 1855, vol. 5, pp. 202-212. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), i860; and in In Re. (40) Leaves of Grass, — Brooklyn, N. Y. — 1856. Brooklyn Daily Times, 1856. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), i860, pp. 49-50. (41) An EngUsh and an American Poet. American Phrenological Journal, 1856. Re- printed in Leaves of Grass, 1856, pp. 369-373; in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), i860; and in In Re. (42) * Brooklyniana; A Series of Local Articles on Past and Present. Brookl}^ Standard, weekly, first article 8 June, 1861; same article reprinted 21 Dec, 1861; continued until 17 Apr., 1862, and from 30 Aug., 1862, until i Nov., 1862. (43) The Great Army of the Sick. N. Y. T., 26 Feb., 1863. Reprinted in The Wound Dresser (Bucke), 1898, with title The Great Army of the Wounded. (44) Life Among Fifty Thousand Soldiers. B. E., 19 Mar., 1863. Reprinted in The Wound Dresser (Bucke), 1898. (45) * Washington in the Hot Season. N. Y. T., 16 Aug., 1863. Reprinted in S. D. C, pp. 42-45, and in C. P. E. (46)

  • From Washington. Military Anxieties . . . etc. Brooklyn Daily Union,

21 Sept., 1863. (47) * Letter from Washington, Our National City . . . etc.