Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/576

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56o Bibliographies N. Y. T., 4 Oct., 1863. (48) * Fifty-First New York City Veterans. N. Y. T., 29 Oct., 1864. Unsigned. (49) Our Wounded and Sick Soldiers — Visits among the Hospitals. N. Y. T., 1 1 Dec, 1864. Incorporated into S. D. C, p. 26 et seq. Also published in The Wound Dresser (Bucke) 1898, pp. 21-46. (50) Democracy. G., Dec, 1867, vol. 4, pp. 919-933. Used in Democratic Vistas. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (51) Personalism. G., May, 1868, pp. 540-7. Used in Democratic Vistas. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (52) *Hallsof Gold and Lilac. N. Y. D. G., 24 Nov., 1873. (53) * Silver and Salmon Tint. N. Y. D. G., 29 Nov., 1873. (54) * A Christmas Garland. In Prose and Verse. N. Y. D. G., Christmas, 1874. Contains a number of short pieces: Genius — Victor Hugo — George Sand — Emerson; A Thought on Culture; Travel; Friendship (the Real Article) (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 328) ; Rulers Strictly Out of the Masses (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 329); A Dialogue. Ventures, on an Old Theme (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 317); It Remains a Question; Has It Ever Occurred; Of Poems of the Third or Fourth Class; A Hint to Preachers and Authors; Have Normal Belief; In the Statesmanship; Transportation, the Mails, &c. (55) * 'Tis but Ten Years Since. New York Weekly Graphic, 17 Jan. to 7 Mar., 1874. Six war articles. (56) * A Poet's Recreation. Tribune, 4 July, 1878. Reprinted, with some omissions, in S. D. C, pp. 113-118, and in C. P. E. (57) Three Young Men's Deaths. Cope's Tobacco Plant, Apr., 1879, vol. 2, pp. 318-9. Repub- lished in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (58) * These May Afternoons. Tribune, 23 May, 1879. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E.] (59) Emerson's Books (the Shad- ows of Them). Literary World, 22 May, 1880, vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 177-8. Re- printed in Tribune, 15 May, 1882; in S.D.C., p.319; and in C.P.E. (60) Summer Days in Canada. London [Ontario] Advertiser, 22 June, 1880. Reprinted in S. D. C, pp. 110-113; and in C. P. E. (61) * Letter from Walt Whitman (from Ha Ha Bay, Saguenay River, Quebec). London [Ontario] Advertiser, 26 Aug., 1880. See S. D. C, pp. 163-5, and in C. P. E. (62) * How I Get Around at Sixty, and Take Notes. A series of six articles in the Cc. No. i, 29 Jan., 1881, see S. D. C, pp. 91-2, 94-5, 98; no.2, 9 Apr., 1881, S. D. C, pp. 102-5; no. 3, 7 May, 1881, S. D. C, pp. 179-182; no. 4, 16 July, 1881, S. D. C, pp. 98-99, 158-9; no. 5, 13 Dec, i88i,S. D. C.,pp. 189-191; no. 6, 15 July, 1882, S. D. C.,pp. 1 18-121. Sometimes altered in S. D. C. All reprinted in C. P. E. (63) Poetry of the Future. N. A. R., Feb., 1881, vol. 132, pp. 195-210. Present title Poetry To-day in Amer- ica. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (64) Death of Carlyle. Cc, 12 Feb., 1881. vol. 1, no. 3. Reprinted in Essays from the Critic, Boston, 1882, pp. 31-37; S. D. C, p. 168 (with additions); and C. P. E. (65) Bumble-Bees and Bird Music. The American, 14 May, 1881. Reprinted in S. D. C, 1882-3, p. 84, and in C. P. E. (66) * A Week at West Hills. Tribune, 4 Aug., 1881. Reprinted, slightly altered, in S. D. C, pp. 9-1 1, 185-6; and in C. P. E. (67) * City Notes in August. Tribune, 15 Aug., 1881. Reprinted in S. D. C, p. 186, and in C. P. E. (68) Death of Longfellow. Cc, 8 Apr., 1882, vol. 2, No. 33. Reprinted in Es- says from the Critic, Boston, 1882, pp. 41-45; (slightly altered) in S. D. C, pp. 193-4; and in C. P. E. (69) By Emerson's Grave. Cc, 6 May, 1882. Reprinted in S. D. C, p. 197, and in C. P. E. (70) Starting a Paper. Cam- den Daily Courier, 1 June, 1882. Also in New York World, 11 June, 1882. Republished in S. D. C, pp. 194-6, and in C. P. E. (71) A Memorandum at a Venture. N. A. R., June, 1882, vol. 134, pp. 546-550. Reprinted in S. D. C, pp. 362-6, and in C. P. E. (72) Edgar Poe's Significance. Cc, 3 June, 1882, vol. 2, no. 37. Reprinted in S. D. C, pp. 156-8, and in C. P. E. (73) Robert Bums. Cc, 16 Dec, 1882, vol. 2, no. 51. Republished with additions in N. A. R., Nov., i886;inN.B.;andinC. P. E. (74) The Bible as Poetry. Cc, 3 Feb., 1883, vol