Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/577

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Whitman 561 3i no- 57- Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (75) The Spanish Element .in Our Nationality. Philadelphia Press, 5 Aug., 1883. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (76) Our Eminent Visitors (Past, present, and future). Cc., 17 Nov., 1883, vol. 3, no. 91. RepubUshed in N. B. and in C. P. E. (77) A Back- ward Glance on My Own Road. Cc, 5 Jan., 1884, vol. 4, pp. i^. This, with How Leaves of Grass Was Made, New York Star, 1885 (reprinted in Philadelphia Press, II July, 1886), and My Book and I, L. M., Jan., 1887, was made over into the essay A Backward Glance O'er Travel'd Roads, published in N. B.; in Com- plete Poems and Prose, 1888-89; in the pocket edition of Leaves of Grass, 1889, and in all subsequent authorized editions of Leaves of Grass; but not included in 1892 or subsequent C. P. E. (78) Reminiscences of the Indian Bvureau. Bald- win's Monthly, New York, Feb., 1884, vol. 28,,.p. 2, and in To-day, London, May, 1884, vol. I, pp. 340-2. Republished, with title changed to An Indian Bureau Re- miniscence, in N. B. and in C. P. E. (79) What Liirks Behind Shakspere's His- torical Plays? Critic and Good Literature, 27 Sept., 1884. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (80) The Place Gratitude Fills in a Fine Character. Philadelphia Press, 27 Nov., 1884. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (81) A note on water works, etc. Brooklyn Daily Times, 20 Jan., 1885. Reprinted in A History of the City of Brooklyn and Kings County, S. M. Ostrander, Brooklyn, 1894, vol. 2, p. 89. (82) *Walt Whitman in Camden. Cc, 28 Feb., 1885, vol. 3, n. s., no. 61, over signature "George Selwyn." Reprinted in American Authors at Home, edited by J. L. and J. B. Gilder (copyright 1888), still over same signature. Pub- lished again in Critic Pamphlet No. 2, 1898, Walt Whitman at Home, by Himself. Here a page of Whitman's manuscript is reproduced, establishing the work as his. (83) How Leaves of Grass Was Made. New York Star, 1885. Reprinted in Les- lie's Monthly, June, 1892. See ante, A Backward Glance on My Own Road. (84) Some Diary Notes at Random. Baldwin's Monthly, Brooklyn, Dec, 1885, vol. 31, p. 8. Repubhshed in N. B. and in C. P. E. (85) How I Made a Book. Phila- delphia Press, II July, 1886. See ante, A Backward Glance on My Own Road. (86) A Thought on Shakspere. Cc, 14 Aug., 1 886, vol. 6, n. s., no. 137. Reprinted in N, B. and in C. P. E. (87) Dear to Democracy. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time, edited by AUen Thomdike Rice. 1886, pp. 412-419. Present title Abraham Lincoln. Complete Prose, 1898, pp. 436-8. (88) AJWord about Tennyson. Cc, i Jan., 1887, vol. 7, n. s., no. 157. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (89) Some War Memoranda — Jotted Down at the Time. N. A. R., Jan., 1887, vol. 144, pp. 55-60. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (90) New Orleans in 1848. New Orleans Picayune, 25 Jan., 1887. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (91) My Book and I. L. M., Jan., 1887, vol.39, pp. 121-7. See ante, A Backward Glance on My Own Road. (92) Father Taylor and Oratory. Cy., Feb., 1887, vol. 33, pp. 583-4. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (93) Five Thousand Poems. Co., 16 Apr., 1887, vol. 7, n. s., no. 172. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (94) To the Editor of the Herald. N. Y. H., 26 Jan., 1888. [A letter re Cleveland's free trade message.] (95) Walt Whitman's Tribute [To Sheridan.] N. Y. H., 8 Aug., 1888. (96) Army Hospitals and Cases. Cy., Oct., 1888, vol. 36, pp. 828-830. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. as Last of the War Cases. (97) Old Brooklyn Days. New York Morning Journal, 3 Aug., 1890. Republished in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (98) An Old Man's Rejoinder. Cc, 16 Aug., 1890, vol. 14, pp. 85-6. Reprinted in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (99) Shakspere for America. P. L., Sept., 1890, vol. 2, pp. 492-3. Reprinted in G. B. M. F., 1891, and in subsequent C. P. E. (100) Old Poets. N.A.R., Nov., 1890, vol. 151, pp. 610-614. Republished in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (loi) * An Engineer's Obituary, Engineering Re- voL. 11^36