Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/579

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Whitman 563 VI. Biography and Criticism Abbey, Charlotte L. Chanting the Square Deific. Con., Aug., 1895, vol. 6, p. 90. Freedom and Walt Whitman. Con., Sept., 1896, vol. 7, p. 106. rWalt Whitman's Unsung Songs. Fellowship Paper, 1897. Reprinted in Con., Oct., 1897, vol. 8, p. 118. Abbott, Leonard D. The Democracy of Whitman and the Democracy of Social- ism. Con., Nov., 1902, vol. 13, p. 136. Walt Whitman and His Influence in American Poetry. Poetry Review, Oct., 1912, vol. I, pp. 473-5. Academy. Walt Whitman. Oct., 1897. AcheUs. In Das Litterarische Echo, 15 Oct., 1904; and in Die Gegenwart, 1904. No. 17. ApoUinaire, GuiUaume. Un ttooin des fun&ailles de Walt Whitman. M. de P., I Apr., 1915, vol. 102, p. 658. A propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., 16 Dec, 1913, vol. 106, p. 864. Arcos, Ren6. A propos de quelques pofetes modemes. M. de^F., 16 Oct., 1913, vol. 105, pp. 697-713. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Seas and Lands. T891, pp. 75-79. Atkinson, William Walker. My Recollections of Walt Whitman. New Thought Magazine, Jan., 1910, pp. 6-9. Atlantic Monthly. Whitman. June, 1892, vol. 69, pp. 831-835. An Impression of Walt Whitman. June, 1892, vol. 69, pp. 851-854. English Appreciation of Walt Whitman. Nov., 1903, vol. 92, pp. 714-716. Austin, Alfred. Poetry of the Future. Temple Bar, Oct., 1869. Reprinted in Poetry of the Period, London, 1870. Bain, Mildred. Traubel and Whitman. In Horace Traubel, 1913, pp. 7-10. Ball, M. V. Whitman and Socialism. Con., May, 1898, vol. 9, pp. 40-42. Balmont, Konstantin D. Polyarnost [Polarity]. Sovremienny Mir [The Modem World], St. Petersburg, 1910, vol. 8, pp. 135-139. Reprinted as preface to Pobyegi Travy [Leaves of Grass], Moscow: Skorpion, 1911. Barker, Elsa. What Whitman Learned from the East. Canada Monthly, Oct., 191 1, vol. 10, pp. 438-443. Bathgate, Herbert J. Walt Whitman. The Times, London, 1879. Reprinted in Papers from the Times, vol. 2, London, 1879, pp. 155-164. Baxter, Sylvester. Whitman in Boston. New England Magazine, Aug., 1892, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 714-721. Bayne, Peter. Walt Whitman's Poems. Contemporary Review, Dec., 1875. Bazalgette, L^on. Walt Whitman L'Homme et son CEuvre. Paris. 1908. Une lettre de M. L6on Bazalgette k propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., Sept. I, 1913, vol. 105, pp. 221-222, Beckett, Reginald A. Whitman as a Socialist Poet. To-day, July, 1888. Benson, Arthur Christopher. Walt Whitman. Escape and Other Essays, 1915, pp. 63-88. Bertz, Eduard. Walt Whitman zu seinem siebzigsten Gebtu-tstag. Deutsche Presse, vol. 2, no. 23, 1889. An account of Whitman's life and work in Spemann's Goldenes Buch der Weltliteratur, 1900. Walt Whitman Ein Charakterbild. Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zurschenstufen, vol. 7, 1905, pp. 155-287. Der Yankee- Heiland. Dresden, 1906. Whitman-Mysterien. Berlin, 1907.