Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/580

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5^4 Bibliographies Bertz, Eduard. A propos de Walt VFhitman. M. de P., i July, 1913, vol. 104, pp. 204-210. Binns, Henry Bryan. A Life of Walt Whitman. London, 1905, pp. S^S- Pub- lished in German, 1907; see post. Sec. VI, Schlaf, Johannes. Walt Whitman and His Poetry. London, Poetry and Life Series, 1915, pp. 168. Black, George D. Walt Whitman. N. E. M., Aug., 1892, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 710-4. Blanc, Madame (Th&fese Bentzon). Un pofete americain Walt Whitman. R. d. d. M., I June, 1872. Element, Emile. La po&ie en Angleterre et aux Etats Unis: HI. Walt Whit- man. La Renaissance artistique et litt&aire, No. 7, 7 June; No. 11, 6 July; No. 12, 13 July, 1872. Reprinted in Beautfe Etrangferes, with a postscriptum, 1904. Paris, Alphonse Lemerre, 1904. Bom, Helena. Whitman's Altruism. Con., Sept., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 105-7. Poets of Revolt: Shelley, Whitman, Carpenter. Con., Mar .-May, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 8, 23, 36. Whitman's Ideal Democracy. P. L., 1899, vol. 11, pp. 569-582. The three essays reprinted in Whitman's Ideal Democracy and Other Writings. Bos- ton, 1902. Boston Index. Emerson and Walt Whitman. 22 June, 1882. Boughton, Willis. Walt Whitman. Arena, Sept., 1892, vol. 6, pp. 471-480. Boynton, Percy H. Whitman's Idea of the State. New Republic, 10 June, 1916, vol. 7, pp. 139-141- Bradford, Gamaliel. Portraits of American Authors. 11. Walt Whitman. Bookman, N. Y., Jan., 1916, vol. 42, pp. 533-548. Bradsher, Earl L. Walt Whitman and a Modern Problem. Sewanee Review, Jan., 1914, vol. 22, pp. 86-95. Bredvold, Louis I. Walt Whitman. Dial, i Nov., 1912, vol. 53, pp. 323-5. Brinton, Daniel G. A Visit to West Hills. Conservator, Nov., 1894, vol. 5, pp. 135-6. Whitman and Science. Con., Apr., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 20-21. Bromer, Edward S. Is Walt Whitman the Best Representative of America's Independent Spirit in Poetry? Reformed Church Review, July, 1912, vol. 16, pp. 346-366. Brookljm Eagle. Walt Whitman's Chum Tells of Good Gray Poet. 8 Mar., 1914. Brooks, Van Wyck. America's Coming of Age. 1915, pp. 1 12-129. Brotherhood. (London.) A Poet of the Cosmic Consciousness. 14 Apr., 1906, vol. 19, pp. 142-148. Brown, Harvey Dee. Whitman and the America of To-day. Con., Aug., 1917, vol. 28, pp. 86-88. Brown, William Thurston. Walt Whitman: Poet of the Human Whole. Port- land, Oregon: n. d., pp. 32, paper. Browne, Francis F. Review of Leaves of Grass. Dial, Jan., 1882, vol.2, pp.218-9. Bruere, Robert W. Philosophy of Walt Whitman. Reader, Mar., 1905, vol. 5, pp. 490-494- Buchanan, Robert. Walt Whitman. Broadway Magazine, Nov., 1867, pp. 188- 195. Reprinted in David Gray and Other Essays, 1868. Socrates in Camden, with a Look Aroimd. Academy, Aug. 15, 1885. Re- printed in A Look Round Literature, London, 1887, p. 341. Bucke, Dr. Richard Maurice (one of Whitman's Literary Executors). The Good Gray Poet. Philadelphia Press, 7 May, 1880. Walt Whitman. Family Circle, May, 1882.