Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/583

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Whitman 567 Cunningham, Clarence. A Defence of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Arena, Jan., 1905, vol. 33, pp. 55-59. Curtis, William O'Leary. Whitman's Defects and Beauties. The Month, Apr., 1891, vol. 71, pp. 527-531. Darrow, Clarence. Walt Whitman. A Persian Pearl and Other Essays, C. L. Ricketts, Chicago, 1902. Dart, William Keman. Walt Whitman in New Orleans. Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society, vol. 7 (1913-4), 1915, pp. 97-112. Davenport, Wm. E. Walt Whitman in Brooklyn. B. E., 14 July, 1900. Identity of Whitman's Work and Character. Con., Feb., 1903, vol. 13, p. 181. Davis, Rebecca Harding. Some Hobgoblins in Literature. Book Buyer, Apr., 1897, vol. 14, pp. 229-231. De Casseres, Benj. Enter Walt Whitman. Philistine, Nov., 1907, vol. 25, pp. 161-172. Dell, Floyd. Walt Whitman, Anti-Socialist. New Review, 15 June, 1915, vol. 3. P- 85. Dent, John C. America and Her Literature. Temple Bar, Feb., 1873, vol. 37, pp. 399-403- De Selincourt, Basil. Walt Whitman, a Critical Study. London, 1814, pp. 251. Donaldson, Thomas. Walt Whitman the Man. New York, 1896, pp. 278. Dowden, Edward. The Poetry of Democracy: Walt Whitman. Westminster Review, July, 1871, n. s., vol. 40, pp. 33-68. Reprinted in Studies in Liter- ature, London, C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Review of Specimen Days. Academy, 18 Nov., 1882, vol. 22, p. 357. Dyer, Louville H. Walt Whitman. Wilshire's Magazine, Nov., 1902, pp. 76-83. Eccles, Caroline. An Appreciation of Walt Whitman. The Quest, Jan., 1912, vol. 3, pp. 349-359. Edinburgh Review. New England Nature Studies: Thoreau, Burroughs, Whit- man. Oct., 1908, vol. 208, pp. 343-366. Eldridge, Charles W. "A Woman Waits for Me": The Personal Relations of Whitman and Emerson. Con., May, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 38-9. Elliot, Charles N. Walt Whitman as Man, Poet and Friend. Boston [1915], pp. 257. [Original tributes collected by Charles N. Elhot, and published in facsimile.] • Ellis, Havelock. Walt Whitman. The New Spirit, 1890. Reprinted in The Scott Library, London, n. d. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Letter to Whitman, 21 July, 1855, published in Leaves of Grass, 1856, p. 345, and in most of the books on Whitman. Corresjiondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston, 1883, vol. 2, p. 283. Ende, Amelia von. Whitman's Following in Germany. Con., Apr., 1903, vol. 14, pp. 23-5. Walt Whitman in Germany. Con., Jan., Feb., 1904, vol. 14, pp. 167, 183. Walt Whitman and Arno Holz. P. L., Summer, 1905, vol. 16, pp. 61-5. Walt Whitman and the Germans of To-day. Con., June, 1907, vol. 18, pp. 55-7- Famsworth, Edward C. Walt Whitman. Universal Brotherhood, Nov., 1899, vol. 14, pp. 398-402. Fawcett, Edgar. Two Letters Indicating the Con of Whitman. Con., Sept., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 103-4. Fedem, Karl. Walt Whitman. Die Zeit, Vienna, 16-23 Oct., 1897. Reprinted