Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/584

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568 Bibliographies in Essays zur Amerikanischen Literatur, 1899; and in Walt Whitman — Gxashalme, Minden, 1904. Ferguson, John DeLancey. American Literature in Spain. 1916, pp. 170-201, 241. Perm, Elizabeth Bums. The Democracy of Walt Whitman. Mother Earth, Jan.-Peb., 1907, vol. i, nos. 11-12. Fitch, George Hamlin. Walt Whitman, The Prophet in His Shirt-Sleeves. Great Spiritual Writers of America, San Francisco, 1916, pp. 12-20. Foerster, Norman. Whitman as a Poet .of Nature. Publications of the Modem Language Association of America, Dec, 1916, vol. 21, n. s., pp. 736-758. Foote, George W. Walt Whitman. Flowers of Freethought, First Series, Lon- don [?i893]. Frank Leslie's Weekly. Adieu Walt Whitman. 14 Apr., 1892, with five illus- trations of Whitman's funeral. Freiligrath, P. Walt Whitman. AUgemeine Zeitung, Augsburg, 10 May, 1868. Reprinted in The Commonwealth, Boston, 4 July, 1868. Frothingham, 0. B. The Morally Objectionable in Literature. N. A. R., Oct., 1882, vol. 135, pp. 326 ff. Gamberale, Luigi. La Vita e le Opere di Walt Whitman. Rivista d'ltalia, vol. I, p. 181. Partly translated in Con., Sept., 1904, voL 15, pp. 103-6. Garrison, Charles G. Whitman and Women. Con., Mar., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 6-7. Walt Whitman, Christian Science and Vedanta. Con., Feb., 1905, vol. 15, pp. 182-5. Garrison, Wm. H. Walt Whitman. L. M., May, 1892, pp. 623-6. Gausseron, B. H. Walt Whitman. Revue Encyclop&iic, No. 35, Tome 2, 1892. Gay, Wm. Walt Whitman, His Relation to Science and Philosophy. Melbourne, 1895- Gilchrist, Anne. An Englishwoman's Estimate of Walt Whitman. Radical, May, 1870. Reprinted in In Re. A Confession of Faith. To-day, June, 1885. Reprinted in Aime Gilchrist, Her Life and Writings, 1887. Gilchrist, Grace. Chats with Walt Whitman. Temple Bar, Feb., 1898, vol. 113, pp. 200-212. Gilchrist, Herbert Harlakenden. [Editor.] Anne Gilchrist, Her Life and Writ- ings. London, 1887, ^awtm. Glantz, A. Walt Whitman. The Day, New York, 13 Apr., 1916. (In Hebrew.) Goldsmith, Jay C. "Jay Charlton." Bohemians in America. In "Wm. Shepard" (Ward's) Pen Pictures of Modem Authors, 1882, pp. 161-8. Gosse, Edmund. A Note on Walt Whitman. New Review, Apr., 1884. Re- printed in Critical Kit-Kats, London, 1896; and in German, Berlin, Gose & Tetzlaff, 1902, pamphlet. Gould, Elizabeth Porter. Aime Gilchrist and Walt Whitman. Philadelphia, 1900. Greene, Hem-y Copley. A Satjrr Aspires. New World, Mar., 1898, vol. 7, pp. 54-67- Greg, Thomas T. Walt Whitman, Man and Poet. Warrington, England, 1888, paper. Guerra, Angel. La lirica de Walt Whitman. La Ilustraci6n espaiiola y amer- icana, Madrid, 8 Apr., 1910. Walt Whitman. La Espafia modema, Madrid, June, 191 1. Gummere, Francis B. Whitman and Taine. Democracy and Poetry, Boston, 1911, pp. 96-148.