Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/585

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Whitman 569 Guthrie, William Norman. Walt Whitman (The Camden Sage) as Religious and Moral Teacher, a Study. Cincinnati, 1897, pp. 105, paper. Walt Whitman as Poetic Artist. The Vital Study of Literature and Other Essays, Chicago, 1912. Habberton, John. Walt Whitman's Youth. New York World, I May, 1892, from Chicago Tribune. Hale, Edward Everett. Leaves of Grass. (Review of 1855 edition.) N. A. R., Jan., 1856, vol. 82, pp. 275-277. Hal6vy, Daniel. Article on Whitman in Pages libres, 1901. Halsey, John J. Walt Whitman. Dial, Jan., 1892, vol. 12, pp. 317-9. Hamsun, Knut. Walt Whitman. Gesellschaft, Dresden and Leipzig, 16 Jan., 1900, vol. I, pp. 24-35. Hamed, Thomas B. (one of Whitman's literary executors). Whitman and the Future. Con., June, 1895, vol. 6, pp. 54-5. Reprinted as a Fellow- ship Paper, Nov., 1895. In Re Walt Whitman, edited by H. L. Traubel, R. M. Bucke, and T. B. Hamed, contains Address at Whitman's Funeral, and The Poet of Immortal- ity, by Hamed. The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman, 1902, contains the Hamed essays: Walt Whitman and His Boston Publishers, Whitman and Physique, and Whitman and Oratory. Walt Whitman in the Present Crisis of Our Democracy. Con., Jan., 1906, vol. 16, pp. 167-8. Slanderers of Whitman. Con., Dec., 1907, vol. 18, pp. 151-4. Harper, Olive. Walt Whitman in Private Life. N. Y. D. G., 6 Nov., 1875. Harrison, CliflEord. Stray Records. London, 1892, vol. 2, pp. 198-202. Harte, Walter Blackburn. Walt Whitman's Democracy. N. E. M., Aug., 1892, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 721-4. Whitman and the Younger Writers: an Interview with John Burroughs. Con., July, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 69-72. Hartley, L. Conrad. The Spirit of Walt Whitman. (A Psychological Study in Blank Verse.) Manchester, 1908, pp. 36. Hartmann, Sadakichi. Conversations with Walt Whitman. New York, 1895, pp. 51. Paper. Hartt, George M. Whitman: An Inspiration to Democracy. Con., Aug., 1908, vol. 19, pp. 87-8. Haweis, Rev. H. R. A Visit to Walt Whitman. Pall Mall Gazette, 14 Jan., 1886. Hervey, John L. The Growth of the Whitman "Legend. " Dial, 24 June, 1915, vol. 59, pp. 12-14. Heuss, Theodor. Two articles in Die Hilfe. Beiblatt for 1906, Nos. 13-14. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Whitman. Contemporaries. Boston, 1899, pp. 72-84. Hinton, Col. Richard J. Article on Whitman, Rochester Express, 7 Mar., 1868. Whitman and His Friend Jack. New Voice, 4 Feb., 1899. Hodgson, Geraldine. Walt Whitman: Poet and Thinker. Manchester, 1900, pp. 88, paper. Holland, J. G. Every-Day Topics. Second Series. 1882, pp. 126-134. Holloway, Emory. Walt Whitman in New Orleans. Yale Review, Oct., 191 5, vol. 5, pp. 166-183. Some Recently Discovered Poems by Walt Whitman. Dial, 13 Apr., 1916, vol. 60, pp. 369-370- Walt Whitman's History of Brooklyn Just Found. N. Y. T., 17 Sept., 1916.