Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/586

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570 Bibliographies Holloway, Emory. Walt Whitman's First Free Verse. Nation, New York, 27 Dec., 1917, vol. 105, p. 717. Holmes, Edmund. Walt Whitman's Poetry, a Study and a Selection. London, 1902, pp. 132. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Over the Teacups. 1890. (Pp. 234-7 of ^^^ edition, London, 1891.) Howe, M. A. De Wolfe. The Spell of Whitman. A. M., Dec., 1906, vol. 98, pp. 849-855- Howells, William Dean. First Impressions of Literary New York. H. M., Jime, 1895, vol. 91, pp. 65-70, Reprinted in Literary Friends and Acquaintance, 1900, pp. 74-84. Hubbard, Elbert. Walt Whitman. Little Journeys series. East Aurora, N. Y., June, 1896, vol. 2, No. 6. Huneker, James. A Visit to Walt Whitman. Ivory Apes and Peacocks, 1915, pp. 22-31. Huston, Paul Griswold. Whitman as a Mystic. Con., Nov., 1898, voL 9, pp. 133-5- Illustrated American. Walt Whitman. 16 Jan., 1892, pp. 391-5. Ingersoll, Robert G. Liberty in Literature. New York, 1890. Address at the funeral of Whitman. In Re, pp. 449-452. Interstate Medical Journal. The Higher Criticism in Medicine. Mar., 191 1, vol. 18, pp. 267-9. Irwin, Frances Joseph. The Religion of Walt Whitman. Truth Seeker, 1 1 Mar., 1905, p. 147- Irwin, Mabel MacCoy. Whitman the Poet-Liberator of Woman. 1905, pp. 77. Jackson, Edward Payson. Whitman and Tolstoi. Con., Jan., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 165-8. A Convert to Whitman. Fellowship Paper, No. 8, 1896-7. Whitman and Whittier as Patriots. Con., Apr., 1897, vol. 8, pp. 24-5. Jackson, Holbrook. Walt Whitman. All Manner of Folk, 1912, pp. 103-121. James, Henry. Mr. Walt Whitman. Nation, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1865. James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. 1902, pp. 84-87, passim. Jannaccoime, P. La Poesie di Walt Whitman, e I'Evoluzione della Forme Rit- miche. Turin, 1898, pp. 130. Translated by Wm. Struthers, Con., 1900-1, vol. II, pp. 21, 38, 53, 120, 135; vol. 12, p. 7. Jepson, Edgar. Walt Whitman. Fabian News, Feb., 1908. Johnston, Alma Calder. Personal Memories of Walt Whitman. B., Dec., 1917, vol. 46, pp. 404-413. Johnston, Bertha. Walt Whitman and the American Teacher. Con., July, Aug., Sept., 1909, vol. 20, pp. 70, 85, 102. Johnston, Charles. A Poet Theosophist. Theosophist, June, 1889, vol. 10, pp. 535-8. Johnston, Dr. John. Notes of a Visit to Walt Whitman. Bolton, England, Privately Printed, 1890. Second edition. Diary Notes of a Visit to Walt Whitman and Some of His Friends, in 1890. Manchester, 1898. Walt Whitman — The Poet of Nature. Fortnightly Review, Jtme, 1910, vol. 87, pp. 1 1 23-1 136. and Wallace, J. W. Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890-1891 by Two Lancar shire Friends. London, 1917, pp. 279. Johnston, John H. Half Hours with Walt Whitman. Everywhere, Jan., T908, vol. 21, pp. 212-4.