Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/587

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Whitman 57 1 Jones, P. M. Whitman in France, Modem Language Review, Jan., 1915, vol. 10, pp. 1-27. Influence of Whitman on the Origin of the ' ' Vers Libre. ' ' Modem Language Review, Apr., 1916, vol. 11, pp. 186-194. Jorba, J. P&ez. Walt Whitman. Catalonia, Barcelona, 10 Feb., 1900. Karsner, David Fulton. Walt Whitman — Revolutionist. New York Call, 7 Apr., 1912. Keller, Elizabeth Leavitt. Walt Whitman: the Last Phase. Putnam's Maga- zine, June, 1909, vol. 6, pp. 331-7. KeUey, William^V. The Whitman Craze in England. Methodist Review, Nov.- Dec, 1897, vol. 79, pp. 952-964- The Deification of "One of the Roughs." Homiletic Review, Sept., 1901, vol. 42, pp. 202-8. KeUner, Leon. Geschichte der Nordamerikanischen Literatur. 1914. Re- published in EngUsh as American Literature, Garden City, N. Y., 1915, pp. 99-116. Kennedy, Walker. Walt Whitman. N. A. ,R., June, 1884, vol. 138, pp. 591- 601. Kennedy, Wm. Sloane. A Study of Walt Whitman. CaUfomian, Feb., 1881, vol. 3, pp. 149-158. The Precession of the Poets. Cc, 4 Sept., 1886, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 109-110. In Re contains the essays The Quaker Traits of Walt Whitman, and Dutch Traits of Walt Whitman, from Con., 1890-1. Suppressing a Poet. Con., Jan., 1895, vol. 5, pp. 169-171. Friendship of Whitman and Emerson. P. L., Feb., 1895, vol. 7, pp. 71-4. Reminiscences of Walt Whitman, with Extracts from His Letters and Re- marks on His Writings. Paisley, Scotland, 1896, pp. 190. A Peep into Walt Whitman's Manuscripts. Con., June, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 53-5- Sursum Corda, Comrades! Con., Nov., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 140-1. Identities of Thought and Expression in Emerson and Whitman. Con., Aug., 1897, vol. 8, pp. 88-91. Notes on the Text of Leaves of Grass, Con., Feb., 1898, vol. 8, p. 184. Knortz, Karl, Walt Whitman. Sonntagsblatt der New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, Dec, 1882. Three numbers. Walt Whitman. New York, 1886, in German. Translated into English by A. Forman and R. M. Bucke in In Re, pp. 215-238. Reprinted in Ger- man as Walt Whitman der Dichter der Demokratie, Leipzig, 1899, with trans- lations from Leaves of Grass, and letters from Whitman. Walt Whitman und seine Nachahmer. (Walt Whitman and His Imitators: Carpenter, Traubel, Crosby.) Leipzig, 191 1, pp. 159. paper. Lanier, C. D. Walt Whitman. Chautauquan, Apr., 1892, vol. 15, pp. 309-313- Lanier, Sidney. The English Novel. 1883, pp. 44-62. Le Baron, Marie, Walt Whitman at Home, ■ N, Y. D. G., 3 Sept., 1873. Lebesgue, Phil6as. Walt Whitman et la Po&ie contemporaine. Essai d'expan- sion d'une esth^tique. Bordeaux, 191 1, pp. 5-26. Leconte, Joseph, Une po6te am^ricain: Walt Whitman. La Vie Intellectuelle, I ann6e. No. i, 15 Feb., 1908. Lee, Gerald Stanley. Order for the Next Poet. Putnam's Magazine, Mar., Apr., 1907, vol. I, pp. 697-703, vol. 2, pp. 99-107- Le Gallienne, Richard. Walt Whitman. Con., Mar., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 4-5. Legler, Henry E. Walt Whitman : Yesterday & Today. Chicago, 1916, pp. 72.