Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/588

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572 Bibliographies Leighton, Walter. Whitman's Note of Democracy. Arena, July, 1902, vol. 28, pp. 6i-5. "t" Leslie's Weekly. Adieu Walt Whitman. 14 Apr., 1892, p. 183. [With five illustrations of the funeral of Whitman.] Lessing, O.E. NeueBahneninderWeltliteratur, i. Walt Whitman. Deutsche Arbeit, V. Fahrgang 1890-6, pp. 392-403, Prag. Zur deutschen Whitman-Literatur. Osterreichischen Rtmdschau, Band II, Heft 5, pp. 361-8. Whitman and His German Critics. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 1910, vol. 9, no. i, pp. 85-98. Lewin, Walter. Walt Whitman. A paper read at Liverpool, 13 Dec., 1886. Pp. 17, paper. Leaves of Grass. Murray's Magazine, Sept., 1887. Life (English weekly). American Celebrities. No. i, Walt Whitman, by "At- lantis. " Vol. 5, pp. 1068-9. Livingston, Luther S. The First Books of Some American Authors. B., Nov., 1898, vol. 8, pp. 230-5. Lockwood, DeW. C. The Good Gray Poet. Califomian Illustrated Magazine, Apr., 1893, vol. 3, pp. 579-586. Lombroso, Cesare. Genie und Irrsinn, p. 322. English Edition "The Man of Genius," London, 1891, p. 318. London Times. Walt Whitman. 28 Mar., 1892. The Superman. 23 May, 1912. A Futurist of the Sixties. 26 Feb., 1914. Drum Taps, i Apr., 1915. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. American Life in Whitman's Poetry. Backgioimds of Literature, 1903, pp. 194-203. Macaulay, G. C. Walt Wliitman. Nineteenth Century, Dec, 1882, vol. 12, pp. 903-918- MacCuUoch, J. A. Walt Whitman the Poet of Brotherhood. Westminster Review, Nov., 1899, vol. 152, pp. 552-3. Macphail, Andrew. Walt Whitman. Essajre in Puritanism. Boston, 1905, pp. 221-273. Macy, John. Whitman. The Spirit of American Literature. Garden City, N. Y., 1913, pp. 210-247. Martin, G. Currie. Walt Whitman. Poets of the Democracy. London, 1917, pp. 75-82. Marvin, Joseph B. Walt Whitman. Radical Review, Aug. 1877, vol. I, pp. 224- 259- Masson, Elsie. Walt Whitman, ouvrier et pofete. M. de P., Aug., 1907, voL 68, pp. 385-404. Maynard, Laiu-ens. Walt Whitman's Comradeship. Con., June, 1897, voL 8, pp. 53-5. A Pew Notes on Whitman and the New England Writers. Con., July, 1898, vol. 9, pp. 68-71. Walt Whitman and Elbert Hubbard. Con., Dec., 1917, vol. 28, pp. 151-152. Maynard, Mila Tupper. Walt Whitman the Poet of the Wider Selfhood. Chi- cago, 1903, pp. 145. McCarthy, Justin. Reminiscences. London, 1899, vol. i, pp. 258-261. McCulloch, H., Jr. Aspects of Whitman. Harvard Monthly, 1892, vol. 14, p. 122. Mead, Leon. Walt Whitman. Con., Aug., 1900, vol. 11, pp. 90-^2.