Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/592

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576 Bibliographies Sanborn, Frank B. Reminiscent of Whitman. Con., May, 1897, vol. 8, pp. 37-40. Sand-Burr Magazine. Walt Whitman as a Veteran Saw Him. Dec, 1907. Santayana, George. Walt Whitman: a Dialogue. Harvard Monthly, May, 1890, vol. 10, p. 85. Walt Whitman. Part of the chapter The Poetry of Barbarism, in Poetry and Religion). 1900, pp. 177-187. Sarrazin, Gabriel. Pofetes modemes de I'Am^rique, Walt Whitman. La Nou- velle Revue, I May, 1888, vol. 52, pp. 164-184. Reprinted in In Re. Savage, Minot J. The Religion of Walt Whitman's Poems. Arena, Sept., 1894, vol. 10, pp. 433-452- Sawyer, Roland D. Walt Whitman the Poet-Prophet. Boston, 1913, pp. 76. Scheffauer, Herman. Whitman in Whitman's Land. Fortnightly Review, Jan., 1915, No. 577, pp. 128-137. Schinz, Albert. Walt Whitman, a World Poet? L. M., Oct., 1913, pp. 466-474. A propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., i Feb., 1914, vol. 107, pp. 669-671. Schlaf, Johannes. Walt Whitman. Freie Buhne, 1892. Leipzig, 1897, pp. 41, paper. Walt Whitman. Die Dichtung, Berlin, n. d. [1906]. Bd. Jcviii, pp. 89. Schmidt, Rudolf. Walt Whitman, det amerikanske Demokratis Digter. For Ide og Virkelighed, vol. i, pp. 152-216. Copenhagen, 1872. Translated, in part, in In Re, pp. 231-248. Walt Whitman. Buster og Masker, Copenhagen, 1882, pp. 123-192. Walt Whitman. Illustreret Tidende, Copenhagen, 18 Feb., 1883, pp. 257-8. Scott, Fred Newton. A Note on Walt Whitman's Prosody. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 7, pp, 134-153. Scottish Art Review. Walt Whitman. Sept., 1888. Scottish Review. Walt Whitman. Sept., 1883, vol. 2, p. 281. Scovel, James Matlock. Walt Whitman as I Knew Him. National Magazine, May, 1904, vol. 20, pp. 165-9. Sempers, C. T. Whitman and His Philosophy. Harvard Monthly, Jan., 1888. Shipley, Maynard. Walt Whitman's Message. Con., Sept., 1906, vol. 17, pp. 102-5. Sholes, C. W. Walt Whitman: His Poetry and Philosophy. Pacific Monthly, Sept., 1901, vol. 6, pp. 141-3. Skinner, Charles M. Walt Whitman as an Editor. A. M., Nov., 1903, vol. 92, pp. 679-686. Smith, George J. Whitman: Radical or Conservative? Fellowship Paper, May, 1898. Whitman and Mannahatta. Con., Dec., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 148-9. Emerson and Whitman. Con., June, 1903, vol. 14, pp. 53-5. Whitman's Reading of Life. P. L., Autumn, 1.906, vol. 17, pp. 79-94. Smith, Wayland Hyatt. Blending of Orient and Occident in Whitman. Fellow- ship Paper, May, 1898. Snyder, John Edwin. Walt Whitman's Woman. Socialist Woman, Feb., 1909. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Walt Whitman. Scribner's, Nov., 1880, vol. 21, pp. 47-64. Reprinted in Poets of America, Boston, 1885, pp. 349-395. Steell, Willis. Walt Whitman's Early Life on Long Island. Munsey's, Jan., 1909, vol. 40, pp. 497-502. Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Gospel According to Walt Whitman. New Quarterly, Oct., 1878, vol. 10, pp. 461-481. Reprinted in Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1 882.