Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/593

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Whitman 577 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Books Which Have Influenced Me. In Books Which Have Influenced Me, by Various Writers, 1887. Stoker, Bram. Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving. 1906, vol. 2, pp. ga- in. Strong, Augustus Hopkins. Walt Whitman. American Poets and Their Theology. Philadelphia, 1916, pp. 419-470. Swan, Tom. Walt Whitman: The Man. His Book. His Message. The Open Road, London, July, Aug., Nov., 1907, vol. i. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. William Blake. London, 1868. (Pp. 334-7 of 1906 Chatto & Windus edition.) Under the Microscope. London, 1872. (Pp. 43-54 of Mosher's reprint, 1909.) Whitmania. Fortnightly Review, Aug., 1887, vol. 42, n. s., pp. 170-6. Re- printed in Studies in Prose and Poetry, London, 1894, pp. 129-140. Sjrmonds, John Addington. A Note on Whitmania. Fortnightly Review, Sept., 1887, vol. 42, pp. 459-460. Democratic Art with Special Reference to Walt Whitman. Essays Specula- tive and Suggestive. London, 1890, vol. 2, pp. 30-77. Walt Whitman: a Study. London, 1893, pp. 160. Takayama, Dr. R. Walt Whitman. Literature and Biography. Vol i. Tokyo, 37th yearofMeiji[i904], pp. 585-601. (In Japanese.) Talbot, Ethel. Walt Whitman, Individualist. Academy, 22 Jan., 1910, pp. 88-9. Temple Bar Magazine. Walt Whitman. Oct., 1893, vol. 99, pp. 252-9. Thayer & Eldridge. Leaves of Grass Imprints. Boston, i860, pp. 64, paper. (Important early press notices, including several of Whitman's own. It was probably edited by Whitman.) Theosophical Quarterly. Theosophy in Secular Literature — Walt Whitman. Signed "C. C. C." July, 1910, vol. 8, pp. 28-44. Thomson, James ("B. V."). Walt Whitman. National Reformer, 1874. — - Walt Whitman. Cope's Tobacco Plant, May, June, Aug., Sept., 1880, vol. 2, pp. 471-473,483-5, 508-510, 522-4; and in one other issue. Walt Whitman the Man and the Poet. London, 1910, pp. 106. (This is a reprint of the National Reformer and Cope's Tobacco Plant articles.) Thoreau, Henry D. See his letters to Mr. B. dated 19 Nov., and 6 Dec., 1856, in his published letters. Thorstenburg, Edward. The Walt Whitman Cult in Germany. Sewanee Re- view, Jan., 191 1, vol. 19, pp. 71-86. Titherington, Richard H. The Good Gray Poet. Munsey's, Nov., 1895, vol. 14, pp. 138-146. Toke, Leslie A. St. L. Walt Whitman. Prophets of the Century, ed. Rickett, Arthur, London, n. d. [1898], pp. 227-249. Traubel, Horace L. [Editor.] Camden's Compliments to Walt Whitman, 31 May, 1889, Notes, Addresses, Letters, Telegrams. Philadelphia, 1889, pp. 74. Walt Whitman: Poet, Philosopher and Man. L. M., Mar., 1891, pp. 382-9. Walt Whitman at Date. N. E. M., May, 1891, vol. 4,n.s., pp. 275-292. Lowell — Whitman, a Contrast. P. L., Jan., 1892, vol. 4, pp. 22-31. — «— Good-Bye and Hail Walt Whitman. Edited by Horace L. Traubel. 1892, pp. 34, paper. (Speeches and readings at Whitman's funeral, smd written tributes.) Walt Whitman, the Comrade. Con., Mar., 1893, vol. 4, pp. 7-8. VOL. II — ^37