Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/598

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582 Bibliographies CHAPTER II POETS OF THE CIVIL WAR I: THE NORTH I. General Anthologies Brainerd, C. S. Old War Songs, North and South. 1887. Browne, F. F. Bugle Echoes, a Collection of Poems of the Civil War, Northern and Southern. 1886. Eggleston, G. C. American War Ballads and Lyrics. 1889. Gallagher, W. D. Selections from the Poetical Literature of the West. Cin- cinnati, 1840. Knowles, F. L. The Golden Treasury of American Songs and Lyrics. Boston, 1897. Poems of American Patriotism. Boston, 1898. Linton, W. J. Poetry of America. 1878. Matthews, B. Poems of American Patriotism. 1904. Miles, D. H. Poetry and Eloquence of Blue and Gray. Vol. ix of The Photo- graphic History of the Civil War, ed.. Miller, F. T., 191 1, 10 vols. Moore, F. The Rebellion Record. 1861-68. 11 vols. Lyrics of Loyalty. 1864. Personal and Political Ballads. 1864. Songs of the Soldiers. 1864. Anecdotes, Poetry and Incidents of the War (1860-1865) . 1867. Simonds, A. B. American Songs. 1894. Stedman, E. C, and Hutchinson, Ellen M. A Library of American Literature. 1889-90. Vol. VIII. Stevenson, B. E. Poems of American History. Boston and New York, 1908. Venable, E. Poets of Ohio. Cincinnati. 1909. Wallington, Nellie U. American History by American Poets. 191 1. 2 vols. White, R. G. Poetry, Lyrical, Narrative and Satirical of the Civil War. 1866. The New York Public Library has a valuable Scrap-Book of American Poetry (1866-68) and a collection of Leaflets for Soldiers and Their Mothers. See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap. iii. II. Particular Poets Barker, Davis. The Empty Sleeve. [186-]. Beers, Ethelinda (Ethel Lynn Beers). All Quiet Along the Potomac and other Poems. 1879. Bevan, Philip. Songs of the War for the Union. Cincirmati, 1887. Birdseye, George W. Woman and the War. 1865. Bishop, Putnam P. Liberty's Ordeal. 1864. Bourne, William Oland. Poems of the Republic. 1864. Bristol, Augusta Cooper. Poems. Boston, 1868. Brownell, Henry Howard. Poems. New York and Philadelphia, 1847. Lyrics of a Day. Boston, 1864. War-Lyrics and. Other Poems. Boston, 1866. Lines of Battle and Other Poems, edited by M. A. De Wolfe Howe. Boston, 1912. Clarke, Thomas. Sir Copp, A Poem for the Times in Six Cantos. Chicago, 1867. The Battle and other Poems, Patriotic and Humorous. Chicago, 1871.