Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/599

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Poets of the Civil War I : The North 583 Coe, Richard. Poems, Philadelphia, 1862. ^ . Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson. War Poems. Boston, 1867. Dagnall, J. M. Daisy Swain, the Flower of Shenandoah. Brooklyn, 1865. Devon, W. A. War Lyrics, n. d. Duffield, S. W. Warp and Woof, a Book of Verse. Philadelphia, 1 870. Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey. Ballads of the War. 1865. Fields, James T. Poems. Cambridge [186-]. Finch, Francis Miles. The Blue and the Gray and Other Verses. 1909. Francis, Valentine Mott. The Fight for the Union. 1863. Ganyard, A. 0. The Talisman of Battle and Other Poems. Rochester, N. Y., 1864. Greene, A. RhymeB of Yankee Land. Boston, 1876. Guthrie, W. E. The Betrothed: A Nation's Vow. Edinburgh, 1867. Halpine, Charles Godfrey (Miles O'Reilly). Poetical Works, 1869. Hoffman, Francis Sylvester. How McClellan Took Manassas. 1864. Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Poems. 1872. Howe, Julia Ward. Later Lyrics. Boston, 1866. Hylton, J. Dunbar. The Bride of Gettysburg — an Episode of 1863. Palmyra, N. Y., 1868. Janvier, Francis de Haes. Patriotic Poems. Philadelphia, 1868. Jones, Amanda T. Poems. 1867. Johnson, Laura Winthrop. Poems of Twenty Years. 1874. Knowles, Sarah E. Orlean Lamar and Other Poems. 1864. Larcom, Lucy. Poems. Boston, 1868. Lloyds G. W. The Devil in Dixie, a Tale of the Times. 1865. Lowell, Robert Traill Spence. Poems. Boston, 1864. Lunt, George. The Union. Boston, i860. Poems. Boston, 1861. McClufe, William James. Poems. 1869. McNair, John. Eighty Original Poems. Lancaster, Pa., 1865. Melville, Herman. Battle Pieces and Aspects of the War. 1866. Newell, Robert H. The Palace Beautiful and Other Poems. 1865. Peterson, Henry. Poems. Philadelphia, 1863. Proctor, Edna Dean. Poems. 1866. Realf, Richard. Poems [published posthumously by R. J. HintonJ. 1898. Redden, Laura Catherine (Howand Glyndon). Idyls of Battle and Poems of Battle. 1864. Rentmisco, Don Pedro Quaererdo. Life in the Union Army. 1864. Savage, John. Poems. 1864. Smith, Sabin. Our Country. 1865. Stoddard, Richard Henry. Abraham Lincoln, An Horatian Ode. 1 865. Poems. 1880. Taylor, Bayard, Poems, 1865. Tellez, Ann. Reunido and Fugitive Pieces. 1862. Thomas, Abel Charles. The Gospel of Slavery. A Primer of Freedom. 1864. Tilton, Theodore. The Sexton's Tale. 1867. Trumbull, Truman. The New Yankee Doodle. 1868. Tuckerman, Frederick G. Poen^s. Boston, 1864. VandenhoflE, George. Life or Men, Manners, Modes, and Measures, A Poem for Union. l86i. Ward, T. War Lyrics. [186-.] Weeks, Delia Jerman. Legends of the War. Boston, 1863.