Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/601

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Poets of the Civil War II : The South 585 B.: War Song of the Union. (69) Powers, Horatio Nelson: Hymn of the Mothers of our Volunteers. (70) Priest, Nancy, A. W.: The Soldier's Death, Kiss Me Mother and Let Me Go. (71) Putnam, George W. : Song of the Soldier. (72) Ray- mond, Rossiter W.: The Banner of the Stars, Cavalry Song. (73) Root, George Frederick: The Battle Cry of Freedom; Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. (74) Rossiter, T. P.: War Song. (75) Sawyer, Charles Carroll: When this Cruel War Is Over. (76) Shanly, Charles Dawson: The Fancy Shot — or Civil War, The Brier Wood Pipe. (77) Shepherd, Nathaniel Graham: The Roll Call. (78) Shillaber, B. P.: Massachusetts. (79) Sigourney, Lydia Huntley: Stars in my Country's Sky. (80) Stevenson, James: The Gallant Fighting Joe. (81) Stewart, James M.: God Bless Our Union. (82) Street, Alfred Billings: Our Union, Up and at Them! (83) Taylor, Benjamin: The Cavalry Charge. (84) Tompkins, R.: Ho! Yankee Boys Throughout the West. (85) Tuckerman, C. K.: Our Woimded, The Voice Without an Echo. (86) Wallace, Mrs. S. E. : Banner Song of the Indiana Eleventh Regiment. (87) Wallace, William Ross: Keep Step With the Music of Union, United States National Anthem, The Fight above the Clouds, The FaU of Vicks- burg. (88) Warner, A. M.: July 21st, 1861. (89) Willett, Edward: Head of the Column. (90) Williams, W. Francis: Mitchell. (91) Willis, Richard Storrs: Why. (92) Winter, Charles: Camp Song. (93) Woodman, Horatio: The Flag. (94) Work, Henry Clay: Marching through Georgia, the Year of Jubilee. CHAPTER III POETS OF THE CIVIL WAR II: THE SOUTH I. Anthologies Brock, Sallie A. The Southern Amaranth. 1 868 . Browne, F. F. Bugle-Echoes: a Collection of the Poetry of the CivilWar, Northern and Southern. 1886. Clarke, Jennie T. Songs of the South. 1896. Davidson, J. W. Living Writers of the South. 1869. De Leon, T. C. South Songs. 1 866. Eggleston, G. C. American War Ballads and Lyrics. 1889. Fagan, W. L. Southern War Songs. 1892. Fulton, M. G. Southern Life in Southern Literature. 1917. Hubner, C. W. War Poets of the South and Confederate Camp-fire Songs. [At- lanta, 1896.] Kent, C. W. Southern Poems. 1913. Manly, Louise. Southern Literature (1579-1895)- 1897. Mason, Emily V. Southern Poems of the War. 1867. 5th ed., 1889. Mims, E., and Payne, B. R. Southern Prose and Poetry. 1910. Moore, F. Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies. 1864. Songs and Ballads of the Southern People. 1 866. Painter, F. V. N. Poets of the South. 1903. Payne, L. W. Readings from Southern Literature. Chicago, 1913. Simms,W. G. Southern Poetry of the War. 1867. Trent, W. P. Southern Writers. 1905. War Lyrics and Songs of the South. London, 1866. Weber, W. L. Selections from Southern Poets. 1900. Wharton, H. M. War Songs and Poems of the South. White, R. G. Poetry, Lyrical, Narrative, and Satirical of the Civil War. 1866.