Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/602

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586 Bibliographies II. Individual Poets [Including representative Southern poets whose work was done before the Civil War but who are not dealt with elsewhere in this history.] Allston, Washington (1779-1843). The Sylphs of the Seasons. London, 1813. Boston, 1813. Monaldi: A Tale. Boston, 1841. Lectures on Art, and Poems. 1 850. [Ed. Dana, R. H. , Sr.] Flagg, J. B. The Life and Letters of Washington Allston. 1892. Isham, S. The History of American Painting. 1905. Sweetser, M. F. The Life of Washington Allston. Cambridge, 1879. Ware, W. Lectures on the Work and Genius of Washington Allston. Boston, 1852. Cooke, Philip Pendleton (1816-50). Proissart Ballads, and Other Poems. Philadelphia, 1847. For his prose romances, see Johnson, J. G., Southern Fiction Prior to i860, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1909. Dabney, Richard ( 1 787-1 825). Poems, Original and Translated. Richmond, 1812. 2d ed., Philadelphia, 1815. Bradsher, E. L. Richard Dabney. Sewanee Review, July, 1915. Flash, Henry Lynden (1835- ). Poems, i860. Another ed., New York and Washington, 1906. Hayne, Paul Hamilton (1830-86). Poems. Boston, 1855. Other eds., 1857, 1859. Avolio ; A Legend of the Island of Cos. With Poems, Lyrical, Miscellaneous, and Dramatic. Boston, i860. Legends and Lyrics. Philadelphia, 1872. The Mountain of the Lovers. With Poems of Nature and Tradition. 1875- Lives of Robert Young Hayne and Hugh Swinton Legar^. 1878. Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne. Complete Edition. Boston, 1882. [Biographical Sketch by Preston, Margaret J.] Allan, Elizabeth Preston. The Life and Letters of Maragaret Junldn Preston. Boston ahd New York, 1903. Brown, J. T., Jr. Paul Hamilton Hayne. Sewanee Review, Apr., 1906. Lanier, Sidney. Music and Poetry. Essays, 1899. Mims, E. Sidney Lanier. Boston and New York, 1905. Thompson, M. The Last Literary Cavalier. Critic, Apr., 1901. Trent, W. P. William Gilmore Simms. Boston and New York, 1892. Hope, James Barron (1829-87). Leoni di Monota, and Other Poems. Phila- delphia, 1857. A Poem: pronounced by James Barron Hope, on the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the English Settlement of Jamestown, May 13, 1857. Richmond, 1857. A Collection of Poems. Richmond, 1859. [Includes 3 memorial poems.] An Elegiac Ode: recited by James Barron Hope, on the Occasion of com- pleting the Monument erected by the Ladies of Warren County, N. C, over the Remains of Annie Carter Lee. Richmond, 1866. Under the Empire; or. The Story of Madelon. Norfolk, Virginia, 1878. A Wreath of Virginia Bay Leaves. Poems . . . selected and edited by , . . Janey Hope Marr. 1895.