Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/606

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590 Bibliographies Address . . . delivered before the Association of Confederate Veterans, Rich- mond, Virginia, July i, 1896. Richmond. [1896.] Address . . . delivered before the General Assembly of Alabama, at Mont- gomery, December i, 1881. Montgomery [n. d.]. Address . . . delivered before the General Assembly of Alabama, at Mont- gomery, December i, 1882. Montgomery, 1883. Address delivered February 6, 1885 ... in response to an invitation extended in a joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of Alabama. Montgomery, 1885. Address delivered February 1, 1889, . . . in response to an invitation extended in a joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of Ala- bama. Montgomery [n. d.]. Address delivered December 13th, 1894, in response to an invitation of the General Assembly of South Carolina. Printed by order of the Board of Trustees of the Winthrop Normal College. Columbia, S. C, 1895. Address of Congress to the People of the Confederate States. [Richmond, 1864.] Admission of Kansas. Speech ... in the House of Representatives, Feb. 23, 1858, on the admission of Kansas as a state under the Lecompton con- stitution. [Washington, 1858.] The Alliance of Church and State. London, 1873. [Read before one of the sec- tions of the Evangelical Alliance, New York, 9 Oct., 1873.] A Baptist Church Radically Different from Pedobaptist Churches. [Philadelphia, n. d.] [Premium tract No. 143 American Baptist Publication Society.] A Brief Sketch of George Peabody, and a History of the Peabody Education Fund through Thirty Years. Cambridge, 1898. Causes of the Power and Prosperity of the United States. An Address delivered at the annual commencement of the University of Michigan, Thursday, June 27, 1889. Ann Arbor, 1889. Civil History of the Government of the Confederate States, with some Personal Reminiscences. Richmond, 1901. Constitutional Government in Spain. A Sketch. 1889. The Constitutional Rights of the States. Speech in the House of Representa- tives, March 14, i860. [Washington, i860?] Difficulties, Complications, and Limitations connected with the Education of the Negro. Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund, Occasional Papers No. 5 Baltimore, 1895. Reprinted in Report of Commissioner of Education, 1894- 5, volume II, pp. 1367-1374. Diplomatic Services of George William Erving. Communicated to the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, with an introduction by Robert C. Winthrop. Cambridge, 1890. [Reprinted from the Proceedings.] Education of the Negroes since i860. The Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund, Occasional Papers No. 3. Baltimore, 1894. Reprinted in Report of Com- missioner of Education, 1894-5, vol. II, pp. 1374-1384. Establishment and Disestablishment; or Progress of Soul Liberty in the United States. Philadelphia [1873?]. Hon. Francis Strother Lyon as Commissioner and Trustee of Alabama. A Sketch. [1889.] Lessons of the Yorktown Centennial. Address delivered in Richmond, on 226. October, 1881, by Request of the City Council. Richmond, 1881. National Peril and Remedy. Addresses before the Interstate Educational Con- vention, at Louisville, Ky., and before House Committee on Education in Washington. Richmond, 1883.