Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/607

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The New South 59i North American Colonization, with particular reference to Virginia and the Carolinas. [Read before the District of Columbia Society, Sons of the American Revolution, at their January, 1896, Meeting. [No title-page.] Perils and Duty of the South. Substance of a speech delivered in Talladega, Alabama, November 26, i860. [Washington, i860?] The Present Condition of Religious Liberty throughout the World. Read before the Evangelical Alliance, in Chicago, 1893. [No title-page.] Proceedings of the Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund for the Education of the Freedmen. Baltimore, 1891-1897. Proceedings of the Trustees of the Peabody Education' Fund. Cambridge, 1881-1884,, 1888-1896. Protestantism: How far a Failure? Philadelphia. [1872?] Session of the Alabama Legislature, 1847-1848. A Paper prepared for the His- torical Society of Alabama. [Washington, 1892.] The Southern States of the American Union considered in their Relations to the Constitution of the United States and to the Resulting Union. 1894. Stu- dents' Edition, Richmond, 1895. Speech on the Bill granting Pensions to the Soldiers of the War of 1812. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 27, 1858. [Washington, 1858.] Speech on the Election of Speaker and the Progress of Anti-slaveryism. Delivered in the House of Representatives, December 10, 1859. Washington, 1859. Speech on Expenditures and the Tariff. Delivered in the House of Representa- tives, February 24, 1859. [Washington, 1859.] Struggles and Triumphs of Virginia Baptists. Semi-centennial discourse before the Baptist General Association, 1873. [No title-page.] Universal Education the Safety of the Commonwealth. Speech before the Gen- eral Assembly of Alabama, December 2, 1896. [No title-page.] William Ewart Gladstone. Richmond, 1891. n. Contributions to Books and Periodicals The Acquisition of Florida. Magazine of American History, xix, 286-301. Apr., 1888. Address on the Duty of Baptists in Reference to the Bible. Forty-seventh An- nual Report of American Baptist Publication Society. Pp. 14-20. 1871. The Calhoun Letters. Southern History Association Publications, v, 159-163. Washington, 1901. A Chapter in the History of Spain, in Relation to American Affairs. Magazine of American History, xx, 48-55. July, 1888. A Character Sketch of Mr. Gladstone. Magazine of American History, xxvi, 132-134, Aug., 1891. Citizenship and Education. [An Address delivered at Madison, Wisconsin, 1884.] Education, Oct.-Nov., 1884. Civil Service Reform. Galaxy, 1877. The Classes against the Masses. Baptist Quarterly Review, x, 141. 1888. The Confederate States and their Constitution. Galaxy, xvii, 399. Mar., 1874. The Confederate States Constitution. Philadelphia Times, 24 Jan., 1890. Creek Indians. Historical Facts and Personal Reminiscences. American His- torical Magazine, ii, 103-112. Apr., 1897. Education at the South. [An address before the National Baptist Educational Convention at Brooklyn, 20 Apr., 1870.] Proceedings of the National Baptist Educational Convention, pp. 132-138.