Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/609

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The New South 593 Washington, Booker T. An Autobiography; the Story of my Life and Work Introduction by Dr. J. L. M. Curry . . Toronto, Ont. . . . [1901]. III. Biographical and Critical Alderman, Edwin Anderson. Eulogium of Dr. J. L. M. Curry. [An address delivered at the 1903 meeting of the National Education Association, Boston.] Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1903. Washington, 1904. Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry. Library of Southern Literature. J. L. M. Curry. An Address [delivered at Richmond, 26 April, 1903, under the auspices of the Conference for Education in the South]. Brooklyn, 1903. and Gordon, Armistead ChurchiU. J. L. M. Curry. A Biography. 1911. Death of J. L. M. Curry. Outlook, Ixxiii, 417-8, 21 Feb., 1903. The Father of the New Educational South. Review of Reviews, xxvii, 259-63, Mar., 1903. Mayo, A. D. Services of Doctor Curry in Connection with the Peabody Fund. Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1903. Washington, 1904. Sketch of J. L. M. Curry, with Portrait. Southern Planter and Farmer. Rich- mond, pp. 792-795, Nov., 1876. Sketch of J. L. M. Curry. Representative Men of the South, pp. 287-289. Philadelphia, 1880. Stiles, Robert. Review of Dr. Curry's New Book, "Civil History of the Confeder- ate States." Richmond, 1 901. [Reprinted from The Religious Herald.] John Brown Gordon {18J2-IQ04) I. Works Antietam and Chancellorsville. Scribner's, xxxiii, 685-99, June, 1903. Gettysburg. Scribner's, xxxiv, 2-24, July, 1903. Letter on Finance. The heroic remedy a heroic ruin. Shall we have the people's money or be taxed for national bank notes? [To Gen. A. H. Colquitt, Presi- dent of the Georgia Agricultural Society.] [No title-page.] My First Command and the Outbreak of the War. Scribner's, xxxiii, 515-28, May, 1903. The Old South; Addresses delivered before the Confederate Survivors' Associa- tion in Augusta, Georgia . . . on Memorial Day, AprU 26, 1887. Augusta, 1887. Reminiscences of the Civil War. 1903, 1905. II. Biographical and Critical Evans, C. A. General Gordon and General Longstreet. Independent, Ivi, 31 1-6, II Feb., 1904. Jones, Thomas G. Resolutions and Address in Memory of Gen'l John B. Gordon, at Nashville, Tenn., June 15, 1904. [Before the United Confederate Veter- ans. No title-page.] Smith, Frances Gordon. John B. Gordon. Library of Southern Literature. Soldier and Gentleman. Outlook, Ixxvi, 151-3, 16 Jan., 1904. Henry Woodfin Grady {1851-1889) I. Works The Complete Orations and Speeches. Edited by Edwin DuBois Shurter. Austin, Texas. [1910.] VOL. II — 38