Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/610

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594 Bibliographies Joel Chandler Harris's Life of Henry W. Grady, including his writings and speeches. A memorial volume compiled by Mr. Henry W. Grady's co- workers on The Constitution and edited by Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus). [1890.] Life and Labors of Henry W. Grady, his Speeches, Writings, etc. Being, in addi- tion to a graphic sketch of his life, a collection of his most remarkable speeches and such of his writings as best illustrate his character and show the wonderful brilliancy of his intellect. Also such letters, speeches, and newspaper articles in connection with his life and death as will be of general interest. Written and compiled under the immediate supervision of the publishers, from the most reliable sources. Atlanta, 1890. The New South and Other Addresses; with biography, critical opinions, and ex- planatory note by Edna Henry Lee Turpin. [1904.] The New South, with a Character-Sketch of Henry W. Grady by Oliver Dyer. 1890. Speech [on the condition of the negro in the South. With Sketch of Grady's life]. Boston Merchants Association Banquet, December 12, 1889, Addresses. Boston, 1890. IL Biographical and Critical The Atlanta Constitution, 21 Oct., 1891. Grady. The Story of a Great and Noble Life. A Symposium of memories which tell the early life and struggles, the triumphs and joys of a career which stands without its equal. [Includes:] Grady's Young Life, by Remsen Crawford; Grady as a Lover and a Husband, by Mrs. William H. King; Grady in the R61e of King Hans, by I. W. Avery; Grady as a Force in State Politics, by Wallace P. Reed; Grady's Popular Enthusiasm, by P. J. Moran; Grady's News Prescience, by E. C. Brufiey; Grady's Last Trip to Boston, by Evan P. Howell; Atlanta's Saddest Christ- mas, by Maude Andrews; Grady's Influence in Washington, by E. W. Bar- rett; Grady's Place in Journalism, by John A. Cockerill; Prom one of Grady's Competitors, by Henry Watterson; Grady as an Orator, by Walter S. Cooper; Grady as a Friend, by W. T. Newman; Grady on "The Constitution," by W. A. Hemphill ; Fragrant Memories of Grady, by Bill Arp ; The Blessings on Grady, by T. DeWitt Talmage; Mr. Grady's Pastor Speaks, by H. C. Morrison. The Atlanta Constitution, 22 Oct., 1891. In Living Bronze. The Monument of Henry W. Grady presented to Atlanta. The Full Story of the Day. Capital City Club, Atlanta, Georgia. Tribute to the Memory of Henry W. Grady. Atlanta, 1889. Lee, James W[ideman] Henry. Woodfin Grady. Library of Southern Literature. Henry W. Grady. The Editor, the Orator, the Man. [1896.] Richardson, F. H. A Fruitful Life. The Career, Character, and Services of Henry Woodfin Grady. An Address before the Albany Chautauqua, Albany, Georgia, March 30, 1890. Albany, Ga., 1890. See, also, I above. John Bell Henneman (,i864-igo8) I. Separate Papers Barnfield's Ode, "As it fell upon a Day." An English Miscellany presented to Dr. Furnivall in honor of his seventy-fifth birthday. Oxford, 1901.