Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/611

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The New South 595 The Episodes in Shakespeare's I Henry VI. Modern Language Association of America Publications, xv, 290-320. Baltimore, 1900. Historic Elements in Virginia Education and Literary Effort. A paper read before the Virginia Historical Society, Monday, December 21, 1891. Col- lections of the Virginia Historical Society. New Series, xi, 25-46, Richmond, 1892. The Nineteenth Century Woman in Literature. [No title-page.] An address delivered before the Daughters of Virginia Literary Society of the State Female Normal School of Farmville, Virginia, June 7, 1892. Shaksperean and other Papers. Sewanee, Tenn., 191 1. [Preface by W. P. Trent. Biographical Sketch by J. D. Bruce.] II. Works Edited The Best American Tales, chosen, with an introduction, by W. P. Trent and John B. Henneman. [1907.] The Complete Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, with introductions by William P. Trent and John Bell Henneman. [1904.] The New Grant White Shakespeare. The Comedies, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakespeare; with memoir, introductions, and notes by Richard Grant White; revised, supplemented, and annotated by William P. Trent, . . . Benjamin W. Wells, . . . and John B. Henneman. Boston, 1912. Also: Twelfth Night, 1905; Henry Esmond, 1906. Benjamin Harvey Hill (1823-1882) I. Writings Coinage of Silver Dollars. Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 8, 1878. [Washington? 1878.] The Free Coinage of Silver. Speeches of L. Q. C. Lamar of Mississippi and Ben- jamin H. Hill of Georgia in the U. S. Senate, 24 Jan., 1878. Washington, 1878. Great Speech delivered before the Young Men's Democratic Union, Tuesday evening, October 6, 1868. [No title-page.] Jefferson Davis — Amnesty. Speech in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, January 11, 1876. [Washington, 1876.] Hill, Benjamin H., Jr. Senator Benjamin H. Hill, of Georgia. His Life, Speeches, and Writings. Written and Compiled by his son. Atlanta, 1891 . The Union and its Enemies. Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, Saturday, May 10, 1879. Washington, 1879. II. Biographical and Critical Cox, Samuel S. Memorial Eulogies delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States. 1861-1883. Washington, 1883. Hill, Benjamin H., Jr. [See above.] Knight, Lucien Lamar. Benjamin Harvey Hill. Library of Southern Literature. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of B. H. Hill, delivered in the Sen- ate and House of Representatives, Forty-seventh Congress, Second Session, January 25, 1883. Washington, 1883.