Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/632

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6i6 Bibliographies CHAPTER VI THE SHORT STORY I. Historical and Critical Baker, H. T. The Contemporary Short Story. . . Boston, 1916. Barrett, Charles R. Short Story Writing; A Practical Treatise on the Art of the Short Story. 1898. Canby, Harry S. The Short Story. Yale Studies in English. 1902. Chester, G. R. Art of Short Story Writing. Cincinnati, 1910. DeLeon, J. C. The Day of Dialect. Lippincott's, Nov., 1897. Essenwein, J. B. Writing the Short Story. 1909. Firkins, Ina Ten Eyck. Index to Short Stories. White Plains, New York, 1915. Faxon, Frederick W. Literary Annuals and Gift Books; A Bibliography with a Descriptive Introduction. Boston, 1912. Goodrich, N. L. Prose 'Fiction. A Bibliography. . . . Bulletin of Biblio- graphy, vols. 4 and 5. Grabo, CarlH. The Art of the Short Story. 1913. Gruener, G. Notes on the Influence of E. T. A. Hoffman on Edgar Allan Poe. Mod. Lang. Ass. Amer., 1904. Hale, E. E., and Dawson, F. T. The Elements of the Short Story. 1915. Hannigan, F. J. Standard Index to Short Stories. Boston, 1900-14. Hart, W. M. Hawthorne and the Short Story. Berkeley, Cal., 1900. Harte, B. The Rise of the Short Story. CornhiU Magazine, July, 1899. Higginson, T. W. The Local Short Story. Independent, 11 March, 1892. Howells, W. D. Anomalies of the Short Story. NorthAmerican Review, 1901, 173:422. Literature and Life, 1 10-124. 1902. Criticism and Fiction . 1 89 1 . Irving, Washington. Life and Letters. Vol. 2, p. 227. 1869. James, Henry. The Art of Fiction. In Partial Portraits. 1888. Lieberman, Elias. The American Short Story. 1912. Matthews, B. The Philosophy of the Short Story. Saturday Review, London, 1884; enlarged for Lippincott's Magazine, Oct., 1885; in Pen and Ink; Essay on Subjects of More or Less Importance, p. 67, 1888; as a volume, 1901. Pattee, F. L. History of American Literature Since 1870. 1915. Perry, Bliss. The Short Story. Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1902. In a Study of Prose Fiction, Ch. 12. Boston, 1902. Poe, E. A. Criticism of Hawthorne, Graham's Magazine, 1842; in vol. vil of Stedman's and Woodberry's Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Smith, C. Alphonso. The American Short Story. Boston, 1912. Spielhagen, Frederick. Novelle oder Roman. . . . 1876. Wedmore, Frederick. The Short Story. Nineteenth Century, March, 1898; also in Our Books and Arts. London, 1899; Li ttell's Living Age, 217:392, and Eclectic Magazine, 130 : 546. II. Collections Ashmun, Margaret. Modern Short Stories. 1912. Baldwin, C. S. American Short Stories, Selected and Edited with an Introduc- tory Essay on the Short Story. 1904. Campbell, 0. J., and Rice, R. A. A Book of Narratives. Boston, 1917. Cody, Sherwin. The World's Greatest Short Stories. Chicago, 1902.