Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/633

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The Short Story 617 Essenwein, J. B. Studying the Short Story. 1912. Hale, E. E., Jr., and Dawson, P. T. The Elements of the Short Story. 1915. Hart, N., and Perry, E. Representative Short Stories. 1917. Hawthorne, Julian. The Lock and Key Library. 10 vols. 1915. Vol. 9, American Stories. Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. The Book of the Short Story. 1903. Mabie, H. W. Short Stories New and Old. 1908. and Strachey, L. Little Masterpieces of Fiction. 8 vols. 1904. Matthews, B. The Short-Story: Specimens Illustrating its Development. 1907. Maxcy, Carroll L. Representative Narratives. Boston, 1914. Moulton, L. B. Short-Stories. Riverside Literature Series. Boston, 1915. Nettleton, G. H. Specimens of the Short Story. 1901. O'Brien, Edward J. The Best Short Stories of 1915 and the Year Book of the American Short Story. Boston, 1915. The Best Short Stories of 1916 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story. Boston, 1916. A similar vol- ume for 1917. Fatten, William. Short Story Classics. American. 5 vols. 1905. Great Short Stories. 3 vols. 1909. Pittinger, L. A. A Collection of Short Stories. 1913. Sherman, Stuart P. A Book of Short Stories. 1914. Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B. Best American Tales. 1907. Waite, A. V., and Taylor, E. W. Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction. 1911. Stories by American Authors. 10 vols. 1884. III. Notable Volumes in the Evolution of the American Short Story Irving, The Sketch Book, 1819. Hawthorne, Twice Told Tales, 1837. P°e, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1839. O'Brien, The Diamond Lens etc., (stories in magazines), 1858-60. Harriet Prescott Spofiford, The Am- ber Gods and Other Stories, 1863. Hale, The Man Without a Country. 1863. Harte, The Luck of Roaring Camp, 1870. Howells, Suburban Sketches, 1871. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories, 1871. Aldrich, Marjorie Daw, 1873. H. H. Jackson, Saxe Holm's Stories, 1873. James, A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales, 1875. Woolson, Castle No- where, 1875. Jewett, Deephaven, 1877. Cable, Old Creole Days, 1879. J. E. Cooke, Stories of the Old Dominion, 1879. Deming, Adirondack Stor- ies, 1880. R. T. Cooke, Somebody's Neighbors, 1881. Johnston, Dukes- borough Tales, 1883. Harris, Uncle Remus, 1880, and Mingo, etc., 1884. Murfree, In the Tennessee Mountains, 1884. Stockton, The Lady or the Tiger? 1884. Robinson, Uncle Lisha's Shop, 1887. French, Knitters in the Sun, 1887. Page, In Ole Virginia, 1887. Wilkins, A Humble Romance, 1887. King, Monsieur Motte, 1888. Bunner, Short Sixes, 1890. Allen, Flute and Violin, 1891. Davis, GaUegher, 1891. Garland, Main-Travelled Roads,i89i. Bierce.IntheMidstof Life, 1891. Smith, A Day at Laguerre's, 1892. Catherwood, Chase of St. Castine, 1894. Chopin, Bayou Folk, 1894. Brown, Meadow Grass, 1895. Deland, Old Chester Tales, 1898. London, The Son of the Wolf, 1900. O. Henry, Cabbages and Kings, 1904.