Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/648

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632 Bibliographies 1904. Recommended for a Children's Library. Moore, Annie C. N. Y. C. P. L. 1904. Books for Boys and Girls. Hewins, C. P. Hartford P. L. 1905. A Children's Library. Arnold, G. W. 1906. Books for Boys. Chicago P. L. 1907. A Bibliography of Children's Reading. Baker, P. T., and Abbott, Allan. 1914. Preferred List for District School Libraries. Michigan. 1917. Children's Catalog. III. Magazines This chronological list makes no pretensions to being complete, even in respect to the earlier magazines. As for the later ones, the Tenth United States Census Report (1880) says that two hundred and seventeen children's periodicals were published in the United States at the date of issue, the greater part being Sunday- school papers. Towards the close of the century children's magazines greatly decreased in number. Juvenile Magazine. 1802. Juvenile Olio. 1802. Young Misses. 1806. Juvenile Magazine. 181 1. Juvenile Portfolio. 18 13. American Sunday- school Magazine. 1824-31. Juvenile Miscellany. 1 826-1 834 [ed. by Mrs. L. M. Child and afterwards by Mrs. S. J. Hale]. Youth's Companion. 1827-. Sabbath School Times. 1828-? Sabbath School Treasury. 1828-? The Token. 1828-42 [only partly for the Young]. Monthly Repository. 1830-? Parents' Gift. 1830-? Juvenile Reformer. 1830-? Southern Rosebud. 1832-39. Juvenile Rambler. 1832-? Boys' Week-day Book. 1 833-? Parley's Magazine. 1833-? Merry's Museum and Parley's Play- mate. 1841-56. Child's Friend. 1843-50. Youth's Cabinet. 1846. Forrester's Boys and Girls. 1848-58. Little Pilgrim. 1854-75 M- by Sara Lippincott, pseud. Grace Greenwood]. Forrester's Plajnuate. 1854. Student and Schoolmate. 1855-? [ed. Oliver Optic]. Our Young Folks. 1865-1873. Little Corporal. 1865-72. Oliver Optic's. 1867-75. Nursery. 1867. Our Little Ones and the Nursery. 1880 [ed. Oliver Optic]. River- side. 1867-70. Saint Nicholas. 1873- . Wide Awake. 1875-? Har- per's Young People. 1880-94; ^^ Round Table. 1894-99. Little Folks. 1897-1907. IV. Selected Authors This list contains only the more important authors and their more important works. In many cases it has been impossible to ascertain the date of first editions ; in some cases no date has been ascertained, the book being mentioned only. Abbott, Jacob. American History. 8 v. Franconia Stories. 10 v. Gay Family. 6 v. Harper's Story Books. 36 v. Illustrated History. 30 v. [With his brother, Abbott, J. S. C] Jonas books. 6 v. Juno books. 6 v. Lucy books. 6 v. Marco Paul books. 6 v. Rainbow books. 5 v. RoUo books. 24 V. 1830- . Science for the Yoimg. 4 v. 1872- . Abbott, John S. C. American Pioneers and Patriots. 12 v. 1872-76. Child at Home. 1834. Mother at Home. 1833. SchoolBoy. 1839. SchoolGirl. 1840. Adams, William Taylor [Oliver Optic]. Army and Navy Series. 1863. Boat Club series. 1854- . Great Western series. Lake Shore series. 1869- . Riverdale series. 1862- . Starry Flag series. 1868- . Upward and