Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/649

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Books for Children 633 Onward series. 1870- . Yacht Club series. 1872- . Young America series. 1867- . Young America Abroad series. 1899- . Woodville series. 1861- . Alcott, Louisa May. An Old Fashioned Girl. 1869. Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag. 1871-82. Eight Cousins. 1874. Flower Fables or Fairy Tales. 1855. Jack and Jill. 1880. Little Men. 1871. Little Women. 1868. Rose in Bloom. 1876. Silver Pitchers. 1876. Under the Lilacs. 1878. Cheney, Ednah D. Louisa May Alcott. Her Life, Letters, and Journals. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a Bad Boy. 1870. See, also, Bibliographies to Book III, Chaps, vi, x, and xi. Alger, Horatio, Jr. Frank's Campaign. 1864. Luck and Pluck series. Paul Preston's Charge. 1865. Ragged Dick series. Tattered Tom series. Andrews, Jane. Each and AU. 1878. Seven Little Sisters. 1861. Stories Mother Nature Told. 1888. Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago Till Now. 1885. Baker, Ray Stannard. Boy's Book of Inventions. 1899. Barbour, Ralph H. For the Honor of the School. 1900. The Half-back. 1899. Beard, Dan. American Boy's Handy Book. 1882. Outdoor Games for All Seasons. 1896. Bennett, John. Master Skylark. 1895. Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American Authors. 1887. Lives of Girls. 1886. Lives of Poor Boys. 1885. Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Boyhood in Norway. 1892. The Modem Vikings. 1887. Brooks, E. S. Century Book for Young Americans series. 1894- • Chil- dren's Lives of Great Men series. 1890- . Chivalric Days. 1885. Heroic Happenings. 1893. In No-Man's Land. 1885. Story of the American Indian. 1887. Story of the United States. 1891. True Stories of Great Americans. 1897. True Story of Abraham Lincoln. 1896. Brooks, Noah. The Boy Emigrants. 1876. The Boy Settlers. 1891. The Fairport Nine. 1881. Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Children I Have Known. 1892. Drury Lane Boys' Club. 1892. Editha's Burglar. 1888. Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1886. Little Saint Elizabeth. 1890. The One I Knew Best of All. 1893. Pic- cino and Other Child Stories. 1894. Sara Crewe. 1888. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boys of Greenway Court. 1893. Seven Little People, 1864. Young Polks' History of America. 1881. Zig Zag Journeys series. 1876-1900. Poems and Ballads. 1887. Carryl, Charles E. Davy and the Goblin. 1885. Cary, Alice. Clovernook Children. 1855. Snow Berries. 1869. Alice and Phoebe. Ballads for Little Folk. 1874. See, also. Bibliography to Book III, Chap. x. Champney, Elizabeth W. Paddy O'Leary and His Learned Pig. 1895. Six Boys. 1893. Three Vassar Girls. 11 v. 1883-95. Witch Winnie books. 9 V. 1889-97. Child, Lydia Maria. Flowers for Children, ist series, 1844; 2d, 1846; 3d, 1855. Girls' Own Book. 1832. See, also. Bibliography to Book II, Chap. vii. Clarke, Rebecca S. [Sophie May]. Dotty Dimple series. 6 v. 1864- . Flaxie Frizzle series. 6 v. 1864- . Flyaway series. 6 v. 1864- . Little Prudy series. 6 v. 1864- . Little Prudy's Children. 3 V. 1894- 96. Quinnebasset series. 6 v. 1871-81.